Print Advertising
Connect with the SIAM community! SIAM offers print advertising in SIAM News, conference programs, and journals.
Ad Types, Rates, & Specifications
SIAM News is an online and print tabloid-size news journal with a circulation of almost 14,000. The subscribers— applied mathematicians and computational scientists, computer scientists, engineers, physicists, and statisticians—are employed in industry, government, and academia. In addition, each of SIAM’s almost 500 academic members and 30 corporate members receive multiple subscriptions to SIAM News.
SIAM News publishes 10 times a year: January/February, March, April, May, June, July/August, September, October, November, and December. The issues mail the first of the month, except for the January/February and July/August issues which mail approximately the 20th to 25th of the month.
See the upcoming schedule and rates on pages 2-3 of the media kit, above.
Sponsored Content
Introduce your product, publication, or conference to the SIAM community. Sponsored content is in the form of a SIAM News article and offers advertisers the opportunity to connect with readers on a topic of interest to the mathematics community.
Your content will appear in the SIAM News print and digital versions. The sponsored content will be posted on SIAM News.
Products and Rates
- Full page: Up to 2,000 words and two images: $3,090
- Half page: Up to 1,000 words and one image: $1,545
Artwork: Print and digital artwork size will vary based on the editorial material provided.
All frequency and advertising agency discounts can be applied. SIAM reserves the right to select, edit, and reject all material submitted for publication.
Print Display Ads - Product/Service Advertising (Non-Recruitment)
Display ads are for products or services offered by publishers, academic institutions, scientific organizations, or companies. These ads appear in the editorial pages of SIAM News. The prices of the display ads are listed below.
Rates for Standard Sizes
Measurements shown in inches (width x height).
Full page
Size: 9.5 x 15.375
Price: $3,165
1/2 page (island)
Size: 7.1 x 10.5
Price: $2,240
1/2 page
Size: 9.5 x 7.625
Price: $1,965
1/2 page
Size: 4.625 x 15.375
Price: $1,965
1/4 page (island)
Size: 7.1 x 5.25
Price: $1,230
1/4 page
Size: 9.5 x 3.9375
Price: $1,120
1/4 page
Size: 4.625 x 7.625
Price: $1,120
1/8 page
Size: 4.625 x x 3.9375
Price: $725
1/8 page
Size: 2.1875 x 7.625
Price: $725
1/16 page
Size: 4.625 x 1.9375
Price: $425
1/16 page
Size: 2.1875 x 3.9375
Price: $425
Print Classified Display Advertising
Rate: $135 per column inch (rounded up to the nearest full inch)
Classified display advertisements are display advertisements for professional opportunities that appear on the classified advertising pages of SIAM News. Classified advertisements placed in SIAM News can also be accessed through SIAM Job Board beginning with the date the issue is mailed. There is no extra charge for posting to the web; ads remain on the web for one month. Links are activated for the web ads where possible. The web version of the display ads closely approximate the appearance of the ads in SIAM News. Sizes are based on a four-column format:
- One classified column inch = 2 3/16" x 1"
- Two column ad = 4 5/8" x 1"
- Three column ad = 7 1/8" x 1"
- Four column ad = 9 1/2" x 1"
The ad would be posted online coinciding with when the issue mails, and will remain posted for one month for each issue placement booked. Ads in SIAM News are posted at SIAM Job Board.
Print Classified Advertising
Rate: $3.55 per word ($475 minimum)
Classified advertisements are reserved for professional positions - including academic positions, postgraduate fellowships, and jobs in industry and government. These ads appear in the classified advertising pages of SIAM News. Classified line advertisements placed in SIAM News can also be accessed through SIAM Job Board beginning with the date the issue is mailed. There is no extra charge for posting to the web; ads remain on the web for one month. Links are activated for the web ads where possible. The web version of the ads closely approximate the appearance of the ads in SIAM News. Fees include typesetting. Classified ads may be edited to conform to SIAM News format. Ads can be for professional opportunities or for positions wanted. Classified ads can be sent via e-mail. The ad would be posted online coinciding with when the issue mails, and will remain posted for one month for each issue placement booked. Ads in SIAM News are posted at SIAM Job Board.
Print Announcements
Rate: $2.45 per word ($375 minimum)
An announcement is any advertisement for an event (such as a conference), a new product, or a new policy. The ad would be posted online coinciding with when the issue mails, and will remain posted for one month for each issue placement booked. Announcements are posted here.
General Artwork Specifications
- The file resolution must be 300 dpi, PDF is preferred, grayscale or CMYK at 100% of actual size. The PDF files must be created in press quality.
- Add $500 per ad for four-color process.
- In the case of ads where part or all the text is in black, the black text should be designed as 100% K so the ad will not appear blurry.
- The ads should be at 100% of actual size, all text black. For black & white ads, use 100% K instead of a 4/c blend.
- Ads may be sent via email to SIAM Marketing.
Frequency Discounts
- 5%: three ads per 12-month period
- 10%: six ads per 12-month period
- 15%: 10 ads per 12-month period
- 20%: 15 ads per 12-month period
These discounts are available upon request.
Special Positions
- Back page: 20% surcharge
- All other positions: 10% surcharge
Agency Commission
A 15% discount off gross billing is extended to recognized advertising agencies for display and classified display advertising. The insertion order and payment must be made by the advertising agency, not the ultimate advertiser. Commissions are not allowed on production charges or on regular classified ads and announcements.
Advertisers will be billed for ads canceled after closing dates. Frequency rates are determined by the total number of insertions contracted to run within a 12-month period beginning with the first date of insertion. No refunds on ads canceled after space reservation due dates. Cancellations must be received in writing.
Advertisers will receive adjusted invoices if they have not run the minimum number of ads needed to obtain the frequency discount upon which the original billing was based.
Advertisers who have run more insertions than originally contracted and who have reached the next frequency discount level will be rebated the difference between what they paid and what they actually earned.
The editors reserve the right to select and edit all material submitted for publication.
Journal Advertising
SIAM publishes some of the world's leading applied mathematics journals. The journals are published bimonthly or quarterly.
Rates and Sizes
- $850.00 per full page advertisement
- Size: 5.5” x 8.5” (no bleed)
- Trim: 6.75" x 10"
This rate is based on grayscale, advertiser-supplied PDF artwork.
Advertising Acceptance
The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertisement not considered suitable for publication.
Journal Subscribers
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: A SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal
Circulation: 1,003
Quarterly: March, June, September, December
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Circulation: 1,503
Bimonthly: February, April, June, August, October, December
SIAM Journal on Computing
Circulation: 1,324
Bimonthly: February, April, June, August, October, December
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Circulation: 1,312
Bimonthly: January, March, May, July, September, November
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Circulation: 1,168
Quarterly: February, May, August, November
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
Circulation: 1,262
Bimonthly: January, March, May, July, September, November
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
Circulation: 1,154
Quarterly: January, April, July, October
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Circulation: 1,416
Bimonthly: February, April, June, August, October, December
SIAM Journal on Optimization
Circulation: 1,160
Quarterly: February, May, August, November
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Circulation: 1,233
Bimonthly: January, March, May, July, September, November
SIAM Review
Circulation: 10,178
Quarterly: March, June, September, December
Theory of Probability and Its Applications
Circulation: 1,075
Quarterly: March, June, September, December
Subscriber Demographics
In the past 12 months, over 35% of all SIAM members have purchased books or other publications from SIAM.
Education (Highest Academic Degree Achieved)
- Ph.D. 87%
- Master’s 10%
- Bachelor’s 1%
- Unknown 2%
- Academe 76%
- Industry 13%
- Government 7%
- Other 4%
Geographical Breakdown
- United States 66%
- Europe 17%
- Canada & Mexico 4%
- Asia & Africa 8%
- Central & South America 3%
- Australia & New Zealand 1%
- Middle East .9%
- Russia .1%
The circulation and demographics are based on August 2021 figures and are subject to change as updates are made daily.
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