Propose a Conference or Workshop
Interested in proposing a conference or workshop? Learn more about the types of financial or promotional support SIAM offers for SIAM conferences, workshops, activity group conferences, and more!
SIAM Activity Group Conference
SIAM activity group conferences are typically the most important of the group's events. The conferences serve as an opportunity for existing activity group and SIAM members to network and share their research with each other and their broader communities, as a celebration of advances in the field fostered by the activity group and its leadership, and as a crucial recruitment tool to welcome new members who share the research and other professional priorities of the group.
In recognition of the important role played by each activity group conference, SIAM’s professional conference staff offers the following options for conference site selection:
- Placement at a hotel or other conference venue in the U.S. or Canada;
- Placement on a university campus in the U.S. or Canada; and
- Placement at a hotel, university campus, or other conference venue outside of the U.S. or Canada.
By decree of SIAM’s Board of Trustees, to maintain uniformity of experience across all of the site options listed above, the following services will be provided by SIAM regardless of site:
- SIAM’s conference management system, including management of abstracts and communications with submitting authors as well as program documents prepared from submissions; and
- SIAM’s website services, with the official conference website on
Most SIAM conferences are placed at a hotel or other professional conference venue in the U.S. or Canada. In this case, the activity group chair and program director must contact SIAM’s Director of Programs and Services with a list of five (5) cities (not the hotel or venue itself) and conference date ranges they consider suitable, at least 24 months and preferably 30 months prior to the anticipated conference dates. SIAM staff will prepare and distribute a request for proposals to the designated cities and respond to the activity group officers with a list of viable proposals typically within 2-3 months. Activity group officers who wish to select a hotel or other professional conference venue in the U.S. or Canada do not need to submit the form available through the link below; an email with the list of five (5) candidate cities will suffice.
Placement of an activity group conference on a university campus often saves cost on facilities and sometimes personnel, which then translates into reduced registration fees for attendees. If the university is in the U.S. or Canada, SIAM will run the conference much as it does conferences held at hotels or other conference venues, but with a memorandum of agreement between SIAM and the host department or university administration identifying the responsibilities of both parties. In this case, at least 24 months and preferably 30 months in advance of the anticipated conference the local organizer must fill out the below form and return it to SIAM’s Director of Programs and Services; the activity group chair and program director should share this form with the local organizer to fill out.
Placement of an activity group conference on a university campus or at a conference venue outside of the U.S. and Canada is an opportunity to showcase and promote activity around the world by the activity group and in the group's area, while also serving as an important opportunity for recruitment to SIAM and the activity group. Two important considerations for activity group conferences planned for outside the U.S. and Canada are:
- To maintain a strong connection to SIAM’s largest membership base, no two consecutive activity group conferences with an in-person component may be placed at a venue outside of the U.S. and Canada; and
- SIAM will have a financial stake in the conference, meaning either full financial control or a share in any surplus or deficit in conference revenue after expenses. The details of the sharing arrangement are left for discussion and may vary according to other factors.
Placement of an activity group conference outside of the U.S. or Canada generally requires a local organizer at the host university or in the host city. At least 30 months in advance of the anticipated conference the local organizer must fill out the below form and return it to SIAM’s Director of Programs and Services; the activity group chair and program director should share this form with the local organizer to fill out.
Conference or Workshop Run by SIAM
A conference run by SIAM receives full administrative support and a substantial amount of funding from SIAM. SIAM runs a large number of such conferences every year, many of which are organized by SIAM activity groups. For a list of upcoming conferences see SIAM's conference calendar.
This proposal is for a conference or workshop in North America that is not a regularly-scheduled SIAM activity group conference. SIAM is interested in new ideas for professional conferences and accepts proposals for conferences or workshops to be run by SIAM. Conferences run by SIAM are expected to recover their costs through registration fees, and possibly grant funding and sponsorships. Proposals are judged on the basis of scientific merit and timeliness of the meeting, as well as interest to the SIAM membership.
- Proposals will be reviewed by SIAM’s Chief Executive Officer and SIAM’s Vice President for Programs.
- If the proposal is accepted, SIAM provides full administrative support and service, takes financial responsibility, and sets all fees. SIAM conference staff manages the site selection and helps with putting together the scientific program and scheduling of activities.
- If your conference will be held outside North America or if you prefer to make your own local arrangements or assume financial responsibility, and thus only contract SIAM services at a fee, see the proposal for conferences or workshops with sponsorship from SIAM below.
- The dates of a proposed new conference should not fall within two weeks of any SIAM conference. New workshops can be proposed to run with one on SIAM’s existing conferences.
- Please submit the proposal form below at least 30 months before the proposed conference dates.
Complete and email the proposal to the SIAM Director of Programs and Services.
Non-SIAM Conference or Workshop with Sponsorship from SIAM
A conference or workshop can receive sponsorship from SIAM if it is run by another organization that assumes full responsibility for finances and organization. SIAM provides only limited financial support and funding, and can provide conference services at a fee. Due to limited funds, SIAM sponsorship is available for very few conferences. SIAM will consider proposals for sponsorship of conferences run in North America or outside North America. However, we are limited in the kind of services that can be offered for conferences outside North America.
Workshops can either run concurrently or adjacent to a SIAM conference. Check out the archive to see past workshops SIAM has sponsored.
This proposal is for requesting financial or administrative support for a conference or workshop that is not a regularly scheduled SIAM activity group conference. SIAM has limited funding to provide sponsorship or support for conferences or workshops organized by other groups. SIAM’s priority is to promote its areas of interest to its members, but we are interested in new ideas for professional conferences and in helping groups who wish to run SIAM-sponsored events. Services or support may be requested for conferences held in North America or outside North America.
SIAM can provide sponsorship for a conference provided it is being held in a country where there is an organization that is able to take financial responsibility and sign contracts for services. One possibility is to partner with another professional society or with a university. Organizers may submit a proposal to SIAM for limited financial support or contract for services at a fee to help run the conference.
- Proposals will be reviewed by SIAM’s Chief Executive Officer and SIAM’s Vice President for Programs. SIAM will consider diversity issues when deciding whether to sponsor a given conference.
- The dates of the proposed conference should not fall within two weeks of any SIAM conference.
- At least one SIAM member must be on the organizing committee; that member must be listed explicitly as the SIAM representative on all conference materials and announcements.
- A request for funds or administrative support should be submitted at least 24 months (two years) before the proposed conference date.
There are limited funds available to provide partial support for the following:
- Invited speaker travel expenses
- Minitutorial speaker expenses
- Student or early career travel support
In addition, SIAM can provide administrative support services. There are fees associated with these services:
- Collection of abstracts
- Production of program book
- Maintenance of conference website
- Collection of registration fees (only conferences in North America)
SIAM will provide an estimate of the fees and the level of service once the application has been reviewed.
Complete and email proposal form to the SIAM Director of Programs and Services.
Meetings in Cooperation with SIAM
SIAM promotes the meeting to the SIAM membership, and in return, SIAM members receive a discount on registration fees. SIAM provides no administrative support and no funding for the meeting. For more information, visit our Guidelines for SIAM Cooperation with Another Meeting.
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