SIAM Conferences

SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA21)

About the Conference

This is the meeting of the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra.

The 23rd Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS 2021) is embedded in LA21.

Linear algebra is an important area of mathematics and it is at the heart of many scientific, engineering, and industrial applications. Research and development in linear algebra include theoretical studies, algorithmic designs and implementations on advanced computer architectures, and applications to various disciplines. The SIAM Conferences on Applied Linear Algebra, organized by SIAM every three years, are the premier international conferences on applied linear algebra, which bring together diverse researchers and practitioners from academia, research laboratories, and industries all over the world to present and discuss their latest work and results on applied linear algebra.

Organizing Committee Co-Chairs

Misha Kilmer, Tufts University, U.S.
Andreas Stathopoulos, William & Mary, U.S.

Organizing Committee

Evrim Acar Ataman, Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering, Norway
Ken Clarkson, IBM Research, U.S.
Mark Embree, Virginia Tech, U.S.
Xiaoye Sherry Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, U.S.
Per Gunnar Martinsson, University of Texas at Austin, U.S.
Nicola Mastronardi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
Luke Olson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.
Jennifer Pestana, University of Strathclyde, Scotland
Miroslav Tuma, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Weichung Wang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Ulrike Meier Yang, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, U.S.
Lexing Ying, Stanford University, U.S.

Funding Agency

SIAM and the Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation for its support of this conference.

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