SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ18)
About the Conference
Uncertainty quantification (UQ) is essential for producing informative computational predictions in a wide range of sciences and engineering. The field relies on a broad range of mathematical and statistical foundations, with associated algorithmic and computational developments. This conference will bring together mathematicians, statisticians, scientists, and engineers with an interest in the development and implementation of uncertainty quantification methods. Major conference themes will include the mathematical and statistical foundations of UQ, applications of UQ in the physical sciences and biosciences, and connections between UQ and machine learning. The goal of the meeting is to provide a forum to share ideas and enhance communication among this diverse group of technical experts, thereby contributing to future advances in the field.
Organizing Committee Co-Chairs
Youssef Marzouk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Ralph C. Smith, North Carolina State University, USA
Michael Stein, University of Chicago, USA (ASA Representative)
Organizing Committee
Daniela Calvetti, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Mark Girolami, Imperial College London and Alan Turing Institute, United Kingdom
Matthias Heinkenschloss, Rice University, USA
Frances Kuo, University of New South Wales, Australia
Alison Marsden, Stanford University, USA
Habib Najm, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Akil Narayan, University of Utah, USA
Claudia Schillings, Universität Mannheim, Germany (GAMM AG UQ Representative)
Christoph Schwab, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland
Nathan Urban, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Chris Wikle, University of Missouri, USA
Funding Agency
SIAM and the Organizing Committee wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to the U.S. National Science Foundation and DOE Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research for their support.
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