Accepted Papers
Paper titles and author information appears as submitted.
Paper title and author changes will not be made to this page. The online program will reflect the most up-to-date presentation details, and is scheduled for posting in November.
Scalable Multilevel and Memetic Signed Graph Clustering
Felix Hausberger, Marcelo Fonseca Faraj and Christian Schulz
Constructions, bounds, and algorithms for peaceable queens
Katie Clinch, Matthew Drescher, Tony Huynh and Abdallah Saffidine
HyperSteiner: Computing Heuristic Hyperbolic Steiner Minimal Trees
Alejandro García-Castellanos, Aniss Aiman Medbouhi, Giovanni Luca Marchetti, Erik J. Bekkers and Danica Kragic
Optimal Neighborhood Exploration for Dynamic Independent Sets
Jannick Borowitz, Ernestine Großmann and Christian Schulz
Graph Neural Networks as Ordering Heuristics for Parallel Graph Coloring
Kenneth Langedal and Fredrik Manne
Linear Assignment on Tile-Centric Accelerators: Redesigning Hungarian Algorithm on IPUs
Cheng Huang, Alexander Mathiasen, Josef Dean, Johannes Langguth, Davide Mottin and Ira Assent
Engineering Fully Dynamic Exact $\Delta$-Orientation Algorithms
Ernestine Großmann, Henrik Reinstädtler, Christian Schulz and Fabian Walliser
Discrete Transforms of Quantized Persistence Diagrams
Olympio Hacquard, Michael van Huffel, Vadim Lebovici and Matteo Palo
Batched k-mer lookup on the Spectral Burrows-Wheeler Transform
Jarno Alanko, Elena Biagi, Joel Mackenzie and Simon Puglisi
Another L makes it better? Lagrange meets LLL and may improve BKZ pre-processing
Sebastien Balny, Claire Delaplace and Gilles Dequen
A Simpler Approach for Monotone Parametric Minimum Cut: Finding the Breakpoints in Order
Jonas Sauer, Arne Beines, Michael Kaibel, Philip Mayer and Petra Mutzel
A Greedy Algorithm for Low-Crossing Partitions for General Set Systems
Monika Csikos, Alexandre Louvet and Nabil Mustafa
SpiderDAN: Matching Augmentation in Demand-Aware Networks
Aleksander Figiel, Darya Melnyk, André Nichterlein, Arash Pourdamghani and Stefan Schmid
Parallel Cluster-BFS and Applications to Shortest Paths
Letong Wang, Guy Blelloch, Yan Gu and Yihan Sun
Exploring the Landscape of Distributed Graph Sketching
David Tench, Evan West, Kenny Zhang, Michael Bender, Daniel Delayo, Martin Farach-Colton, Gilvir Gill, Tyler Seip and Victor Zhang
Engineering Optimal Parallel Task Scheduling
Matthew Akram, Nikolai Maas, Peter Sanders and Dominik Schreiber
The Constrained Layer Tree Problem and Applications to Solar Farm Cabling
Thomas Bläsius, Max Göttlicher, Sascha Gritzbach and Wendy Yi