General Information
The proceedings will be posted online in mid-January 2025.
Acceptance Notification
Speaker Cancellation
Submission Instructions
How to Participate
Submissions must be PDF, formatted according to the double column macro posted here. (Note that there is also a single column macro, but ALENEX uses the double-column one.) Submissions must not exceed 10 pages, excluding front matter (title and abstract), references, and a clearly marked appendix (further described below).
Papers should be submitted in the form of an extended abstract, which begins with the title of the paper as well as a short abstract. This should be followed by the main body of the paper that begins with a precise statement of the problem considered, a succinct summary of the results obtained (emphasizing the significance, novelty, and potential impact of the research), and a clear comparison with related work. The remainder of the extended abstract should provide sufficient details to allow the program committee to evaluate the validity, quality, and relevance of the contribution. Clarity of presentation is very important; the entire extended abstract should be written carefully, taking into consideration that it will be read and evaluated by both experts and non-experts, often under tight time constraints.
Appendix and Additional Data
All details needed to verify the results must be provided. Supporting materials, including proofs of theoretical claims and experimental details, that do not fit in the 10 page limit should be given in an appendix. If more appropriate, the full version may be given as the appendix. In both cases, however, the authors should include in the main part specific pointers to the relevant locations in the appendix. The appendix will be read by the program committee members and subreviewers at their discretion and will not be published as part of the proceedings. Thus, the paper without the appendix should be able to stand on its own. Experimental and implementation results (independent of paper type) must be reproducible and verifiable. Authors are encouraged to put accompanying software and relevant data, in a repository accessible to the reviewers. Authors are asked to indicate which of the supporting materials will remain publicly available if their papers are accepted.
ALENEX will employ a lightweight double-blind reviewing process. Submissions should not reveal the identity of the authors in any way. In particular, authors' names, affiliations, and email addresses should not appear at the beginning or in the body of the submission. Authors should ensure that any references to their own related work is in the third person (e.g., not "We build on our previous work ..." but rather "We build on the work of ..."). Particular care needs to be taken with accompanying software or data, which need to be linked anonymously (for example, via a DropBox folder or the like). Upon registering a submission, the authors will declare conflicts of interest with PC members. The purpose of lightweight double-blind reviewing is to help PC members and external reviewers come to an initial judgment about the paper without bias, not to make it impossible for them to discover the authors if they were to try. Authors should feel free to disseminate their ideas or draft versions of their paper as they normally would. For example, authors may post drafts of their papers on the web, submit them to arXiv, and give talks on their research ideas. We encourage authors with further questions on double-blind reviewing to contact the PC chairs.
Previous or Simultaneous Submissions
Results previously published or accepted for publication in the proceedings of another conference cannot be submitted. Simultaneous submissions of the results to another conference with published proceedings are not allowed. Exempted are workshops and conferences without formal proceedings, but possibly with handouts containing short abstracts. Results that have already been accepted (with or without revision) for publication in a journal at the time of their submission to the symposium are not allowed. A paper submitted to a journal but not yet accepted for publication can be submitted to the symposium. In such cases, the authors must mention this on the front page of the submission and clearly identify the status of the journal submission at the date of the full paper submission deadline.
Accepted Papers
Final proceedings versions of accepted papers must use the same double column formatting macro as the submissions. Title, abstract, and body of the paper altogether must not exceed 12 pages, followed by unlimited references. If any supporting material (including complete proofs of theoretical claims and experimental details) does not fit in the specified limit, then the full version of the paper containing this information must be referenced in the conference version and made available at a public repository, such as arXiv, by the time the final version is submitted. Where applicable, we encourage the authors to make accompanying software and/or data publicly accessible, with proper references in the paper.
Artifact Evaluation
To verify and facilitate reproducibility of the results described in ALENEX papers, we encourage authors of accepted papers to submit their artifacts (e.g. code and data) for Artifact Evaluation (AE). The artifact submission deadline for accepted papers will be Sep. 9. A separate committee will examine the artifacts, with notification by Oct. 13. Participation in artifact evaluation is not mandatory and will not influence paper acceptance. However, AE results will be considered when inviting top papers for journal publication. Papers that pass Artifact Evaluation will be awarded SIAM badges for availability and reproducibility, which will be printed directly on the papers giving the readers greater confidence in the results presented in them. Participation in the AE phase will not be made public except for the papers that receive badges.
See the Artifact Evaluation Section for more information
Submission Deadline: July 18, 2024, 11:59 p.m. Anywhere on Earth
The Easy Chair submission site is available:
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