IBM Early Career Data Mining Research Award

This annual award recognizes one individual in the field of data science who has made outstanding, influential, and lasting contributions to the field within 10 years of having received a PhD.

About the Award

The SDM/IBM Early Career Data Mining Researcher Award for Excellence in Data Analytics seeks to recognize one individual (no runner up/ honorable mention) who has made outstanding, influential, and lasting contributions in the field of data analysis and who will be within 10 years of having received their PhD degree as of the calendar year prior to the year of the award. For example, an award winner in 2025 should have received their PhD no earlier than 2014.

Applications for 2025 should include achievements dated no later than March 21, 2025.


A candidate may be nominated by any member of the community except members of the Award Selection Committee. An individual may nominate at most one candidate for this award. Nominations must be submitted to the Award Selection Committee Chair by email with “2025 SDM/IBM Research Award” as the subject.

A nomination application (a single PDF file) should contain the following:

  1. Name/email of nominator (self-nominations are not permitted).
  2. Name/email of candidate being nominated.
  3. A statement by the nominator (maximum of 500 words) as to why the nominee is highly deserving of the award. Note that since the award is for outstanding contributions, the statement and supporting letters should address what the contributions are and why they are both outstanding and significant.
  4. CV of the nominee (the CV must clearly indicate date of degree received)
  5. DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) statement of the nominee
  6. Up to three support letters. The letters should be collected by the nominator and included in the nomination. The letter writers may not be the nominators nor Award Selection Committee members.

Important Dates

  • Nomination Deadline: March 21, 2025
  • Results Notification: April 15, 2025

Award Selection Committee

Aris Gionis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden


Doctoral Student Forum Participants and Student Travel Scholarship Applications

The SDM Doctoral Forum is a unique opportunity for PhD students in data science (including data mining, machine learning, databases, and pattern recognition) to present their doctoral dissertation in poster format and get feedback from SDM participants and senior leaders in the field. The SDM doctoral forum will be held in a plenary poster session alongside posters from the main conference, allowing for an interesting cross fertilization of ideas. Past participants have benefited significantly from this plenary session.

Details will be posted here when available.