Accepted Papers
This list is provided for reference until the online program becomes available. Title and author information appears as originally submitted; updates will not be made to this page. The online program will reflect the most up-to-date presentation details, and is scheduled for posting in November.
Sublinear-Time Algorithm for MST-Weight Revisited
Gryphon Patlin and Jan van den Brand
Simple Length-Constrained Minimum Spanning Trees
D Ellis Hershkowitz and Richard Z Huang
Validating a PTAS for Triangle-Free 2-Matching via a Simple Decomposition Theorem
Yusuke Kobayashi and Takashi Noguchi
Pure Binary Finger Search Trees
Gerth Stølting Brodal and Casper Moldrup Rysgaard
A Simple and Combinatorial Approach to Proving Chernoff Bounds and Their Generalizations
William Kuszmaul
Simpler Optimal Sorting from a Directed Acyclic Graph
Ivor van der Hoog, Eva Rotenberg and Daniel Rutschmann
Trading Prophets: How to Trade Multiple Stocks Optimally
Surbhi Rajput, Ashish Chiplunkar and Rohit Vaish
A parametric version of the Hilbert Nullstellensatz
Rida Ait El Manssour, Nikhil Balaji, Klara Nosan, Mahsa Shirmohammadi and James Worrell
Dynamic Independent Set of Disks (and Hypercubes) Made Easier
Sujoy Bhore and Timothy M. Chan
Connectivity Certificate against Bounded-Degree Faults: Simpler, Better and Supporting Vertex Faults
Elad Tzalik and Merav Parter
A Simplified Parameterized Algorithm for Directed Feedback Vertex Set
Ziliang Xiong and Mingyu Xiao
On Beating 2^n for the Closest Vector Problem
Amir Abboud and Rajendra Kumar
3SUM in Preprocessed Universes: Faster and Simpler
Shashwat Kasliwal, Adam Polak and Pratyush Sharma
Bidirectional Dijkstra’s Algorithm is Instance-Optimal
Bernhard Haeupler, Richard Hladík, Vaclav Rozhon, Robert E. Tarjan and Jakub Tětek
Spectral Sparsification by Deterministic Discrepancy Walks
Lap Chi Lau, Robert Wang and Hong Zhou
Simple Sublinear Algorithms for (\Delta+1) Vertex Coloring via Asymmetric Palette Sparsification
Sepehr Assadi and Helia Yazdanyar
The connectivity carcass of a vertex subset in a graph: both odd and even case
Surender Baswana and Abhyuday Pandey
Recursive lattice reduction---A framework for finding short lattice vectors
Divesh Aggarwal, Thomas Espitau, Spencer Peters and Noah Stephens-Davidowitz
Simple Combinatorial Construction of the $k^{o(1)}$-Lower Bound for Approximating the Parameterized $k$-Clique
Yijia Chen, Yi Feng, Bundit Laekhanukit and Yanlin Liu
A Multilinear Johnson--Lindenstrauss Transform
Petteri Kaski, Heikki Mannila and Antonis Matakos
A Simple Parallel Algorithm with Near-Linear Work for Negative-Weight Single-Source Shortest Paths
Nick Fischer, Bernhard Haeupler, Rustam Latypov, Antti Roeyskoe and Aurelio Sulser
Finding longer cycles via shortest colourful cycle
Andreas Björklund and Thore Husfeldt
A Simple Partially Embedded Planarity Test Based on Vertex-Addition
Simon D. Fink, Ignaz Rutter and Sandhya Thekkumpadan Puthiyaveedu
Optimal prefix/suffix queries with applications
Solon Pissis
Implementing Auction Algorithm for Efficient Matroid Intersection
Joakim Blikstad and Ta-Wei Tu
A Simple Lower Bound for Set Agreement in Dynamic Networks
Pierre Fraigniaud, Minh Hang Nguyen and Ami Paz
Testing Identity of Continuous Distributions in Polylogarithmic Space
Christian Janos Lebeda and Jakub Tetek
Only Two Shuffles Perform Card-Based Zero-Knowledge Proof for Sudoku of Any Size
Kodai Tanaka, Shun Sasaki, Kazumasa Shinagawa and Takaaki Mizuki
A Simple Algorithm for Dynamic Carpooling with Recourse
Yuval Efron, Shyamal Patel and Cliff Stein
The Quasi-probability Method and Applications for Trace Reconstruction
Ittai Rubinstein
Faster Algorithms for Average-Case Orthogonal Vectors and Closest Pair Problems
Josh Alman, Alexandr Andoni and Hengjie Zhang
Experimental Design Using Interlacing Polynomials
Lap Chi Lau, Robert Wang and Hong Zhou
An Optimal Algorithm for Half-plane Hitting Set
Gang Liu and Haitao Wang
Ellipsoid fitting up to constant via empirical covariance estimation
Madhur Tulsiani and June Wu
Revisiting Tree Canonization using polynomials
Vikraman Arvind, Samir Datta, Salman Faris and Asif Khan
Multi-dimensional Approximate Counting
Dingyu Wang
Better Gaussian Mechanism using Correlated Noise
Christian Janos Lebeda
How to Design a Quantum Streaming Algorithm Without Knowing Anything About Quantum Computing
John Kallaugher, Ojas Parekh and Nadezhda Voronova
On Optimal Testing of Linearity
Vipul Arora, Esty Kelman and Uri Meir
Simple Approximation Algorithms for Polyamorous Scheduling
Sebastian Wild, Yuriy Biktairov, Benjamin Smith, Namrata, Wanchote Po Jiamjitrak and Leszek Gasieniec