This activity group fosters collaboration and interaction among applied mathematicians, computer scientists, domain scientists and engineers in those areas of research related to the theory, development, and use of computational technologies for the solution of important problems in science and engineering. The activity group promotes computational science and engineering as an academic discipline and promotes simulation as a mode of scientific discovery on the same level as theory and experiment.
We organize the biennial SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering and minisymposia at the SIAM Annual Meeting. Members of the activity group receive discounted registration.
SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP) aims to provide coverage of the most significant work going on in the mathematical and formal aspects of computer science and nonnumerical computing.
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (MMS) is an interdisciplinary journal focusing on the fundamental modeling and computational principles underlying various multiscale methods.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (SIAP) is an interdisciplinary journal containing research articles that treat scientific problems using methods that are of mathematical interest.
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (SINUM) contains research articles on the development and analysis of numerical methods. Topics include the rigorous study of convergence of algorithms and their accuracy, stability, and computational complexity.
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX) publishes research papers on matrix and tensor theory, analysis, applications, and computation that are of interest to the applied and numerical linear algebra communities.
SIAM Activity Groups provide a more focused forum for SIAM members interested in exploring one of the areas of applied mathematics, computational science, or applications. Get connected.
SIAM Activity Groups provide a more focused forum for SIAM members interested in exploring one of the areas of applied mathematics, data and computational science, or applications. Get connected.