Rules of Procedure
These RULES OF PROCEDURE (hereinafter called "RULES") apply to the SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory. This SIAM activity group (hereinafter called "SIAG") to which these RULES apply is formed under the aegis of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (hereinafter called "SIAM"), and shall operate according to the bylaws of SIAM. The SIAG shall not affiliate with any other organization without first obtaining the approvals of the SIAM Council and the SIAM Board of Trustees. No provisions of these RULES shall be construed so as to contradict the bylaws of SIAM.
Article I: Purpose
The objective of the SIAG is to foster activity and interaction between mathematicians, engineers and other scientists interested in control and systems theory. The SIAG plans to encourage further development of theory and methods for the estimation and control of systems.
Article II: Activities
The SIAG will organize activities, including conferences, sessions at SIAM meetings, sessions at meetings of other organizations cooperating with SIAM, and publications, to (1) promote interaction between mathematicians, engineers and other scientists interested in control and systems theory, (2) keep SIAM membership up to date on developments in this area, (3) facilitate the development of system theory and (4) encourage its application.
The SIAG shall not present awards or otherwise recognize scientific achievement, professional service, or the like without prior approval by both the SIAM Major Awards Committee and the SIAM Council of the award criteria, the method of selection of recipient(s), the nature of the award, and all other aspects, if any, of each such award must have the prior approval of the SIAM Board of Trustees.
Article III: Meetings
With the approval of the SIAM Program Committee, the SIAG may organize special paper sessions at SIAM meetings, and conduct special one- or two-day meetings immediately before or after a regular SIAM meeting. Other SIAG meetings may be organized only with the approval of the SIAM president and vice president for programs. The SIAG will assume the responsibility for organizing special sessions at meetings such as the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control where SIAM has played the role of a cooperating society.
Article IV: Publications
With the approval of the appropriate managing editor, the SIAG may provide articles and news columns in SIAM News and on special occasions, subject to the usual process of editorial review, provide articles for a portion of the SIAM journal devoted to topics suggested, organized, and/or prepared by the SIAG. The SIAG will not produce any publications without the specific approval of the publications committee and the SIAM Board of Trustees.
Article V: Membership
Membership in the SIAG shall be open to any SIAM member, but to no others.
Article VI: Officers and Committees
Section 1. There shall be a chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary, and program director, all of whom shall be members of the SIAG. Nine months prior to the end of each two-year period of operation, the SIAG, through a nominating committee, shall solicit nominees for election to these offices, the election to take place four months prior to the end of the two-year operating period.
Nominees shall be selected by the nominating committee six months prior to the end of the two-year operating period. Two candidates shall be proposed for each position, but in no case shall an incumbent occupy the same office for more than two consecutive terms. Ballots shall be sent to the SIAG membership in the first week of the fourth month prior to the end of the two-year operating period.
Section 2. The SIAG chairperson shall oversee the activities of the SIAG, act as necessary to maintain an active SIAG, and preside at its meetings. In the absence of the chairperson, the vice chairperson of the SIAG shall assume the duties of the chairperson; in the absence of the vice chairperson, the secretary of the SIAG shall assume the duties of the chairperson; and in the absence of the secretary, the program director of the SIAG shall assume said duties.
SIAM/CST is part of American Automatic Control Council, known as AACC. Concurrent to their two-year term, the chairperson will designate from the SIAG/CST officers or from the SIAG/CST membership the SIAM representative and an alternate, who meet the AACC qualifications, to serve on the Board of Directors representing SIAM, effective 2017. The names of the Board of Directors and Alternate representing SIAM are to be forwarded to AACC after the election of SIAG/CST officers is completed.
The secretaryof the SIAG shall keep a record of the affairs of the SIAG and handle correspondence. The secretary is responsible for the production and distribution of SIAG newsletters and for ensuring that the information about the SIAG on the SIAM website is correct.
The program director shall plan and arrange for and take actions as necessary to insure the implementation of the activities of the SIAG.
The co-chairs of the semiannual conference sponsored by the SIAG will be chosen by the SIAG chair with the approval of the Steering Committee and the SIAM Vice President for Programs. They will appoint Organizing and Program Committees with the approval of the SIAG Chair and the SIAM Vice President for Programs.
With the consensus of the SIAG/CST officers, the chair appoints a Liaison to the SIAG to SIAM News, and a Newsletter Editor. The terms for both positions are two years.
Section 3. There shall be a Steering Committee to aid in conference planning. It will advise the officers (i.e., the chair, vice-chair, secretary, and program director) on planning for future conferences, including issues such as dates, locations, coordination with SIAM, promotional practices, composition of the organizing and program committees, and program composition. This steering committee is an advisory body; the conference Organizing Committee retains full responsibility for the conference technical program but may consult with the steering committee.
Each member of the steering committee shall be appointed for 4 years. The steering committee shall consist of the past two SIAG CST chairs ex-officio (not including the current) and three other members, normally chosen from the past three pairs of program co-chairs (not including the current). The new members starting in year 2020 will be appointed by the SIAG Chair in year 2020 with approval by the SIAM Vice President for Programs.”
Article VII: Monies for Support
Section 1. Each member of a SIAG shall be assessed an annual membership fee at the time of payment of annual SIAM dues. The period to which that fee applies for each SIAG member shall coincide with that member's SIAM membership. Such monies shall be assessed on a per-member basis for costs incurred by SIAM in providing services to the members of the SIAG. The fee shall be established by the SIAM board with the advice of the SIAG chairperson.
Section 2. The SIAG secretarymust submit an expense budget for each calendar year to the SIAM controller by no later than June 1 of the preceding year, which budget shall be approved by the SIAM board and used by that board in establishing the fee to be assessed for that calendar year. Budget changes must have the approval of the SIAM treasurer or his designate.
Section 3. Proposals for special meetings and publications by the SIAG shall have the approval of the cognizant SIAM committee and be costed by the SIAM controller, with the cooperation of the SIAG chairperson. Normally such costs must be offset by fees levied for the purpose, grants, and/or contributions. All solicitations and proposals to outside sources must have the approval of the cognizant SIAM committee and managing director.
All other requests for funds to support SIAG activities should be made by the SIAG chairperson in writing to the SIAM treasurer, or to the managing director acting on behalf of the SIAM treasurer. A loan or grant to the SIAG not to exceed $500 may be made by the SIAM treasurer. Only one such loan or grant may be made to the SIAG during any fiscal year. Other loans or financial grants to the SIAG shall have the approval of the SIAM Board of Trustees.
All requests for funds shall be substantiated by a budget for the proposed expenditures.
Article VIII: Contracts
No officers or members of the SIAG may apply for a grant to support SIAG activities or enter into any contract to support such activities or to provide services without specific approval in writing by the president and chairman of the board of trustees of SIAM or the managing director acting on behalf of the chairman or president.
No SIAG or any officer or representative thereof shall have any authority to contract debts for, pledge the credit of, or in any way bind SIAM.
Article IX: Collections and Disbursements
Section 1. All funds collected for the support of the SIAG shall be collected by SIAM, or by the SIAG acting on behalf of SIAM and as directed by the SIAM treasurer or by the managing director acting on behalf of the SIAM treasurer.
Section 2. All disbursements shall be made only on receipt of substantiating vouchers and only for those expenses provided for by the budget governing those expenditures.
Section 3. The SIAM treasurer shall provide an accounting of all disbursements made on behalf of the SIAG immediately following completion of the annual SIAM audit. Disbursements made for purposes other than the SIAG shall have the approval of the SIAM Board of Trustees.
Section 4. In the event the SIAG is terminated, all monies credited to the SIAG account shall revert to SIAM.
Article X: Changes
Changes to these RULES may be made at any time by the SIAM Council and SIAM Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the SIAM president. Changes to these RULES may be made by the SIAG with the approval of the council and the board.
Article XI: Period of Operation
The initial period of activities of this SIAG shall begin on January 1, 1987 and end on December 31, 1989. The SIAM Council, July 16, 1989, and the SIAM Board of Trustees, July 20, 1989, renewed the SIAG charter for a three-year term beginning January 1, 1990, and ending December 31, 1992. The SIAM Council, February 21, 1992, and the SIAM Board of Trustees, December 14, 1991, renewed the SIAG charter for a three-year term beginning January 1, 1993, and ending December 31, 1995. The SIAM Council, July 28, 1994, and the SIAM Board of Trustees, December 10, 1994, renewed the SIAG charter for a three-year term beginning January 1, 1996, and ending December 31, 1998. The SIAM Council, July 17, 1997 and the SIAM Board of Trustees, July 19, 1997, renewed the SIAG charter for a three-year term beginning January 1, 1999, and ending December 31, 2001. The SIAM Council, July 13, 2000, and the SIAM Board of Trustees, July 15, 2000, renewed the SIAG charter for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2002, and ending December 31, 2004. The SIAM Council, December, 2003 (e-mail), and the SIAM Board of Trustees, December 6, 2003, renewed the SIAG charter for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2005, and ending December 31, 2007. Each period of activity of the SIAG shall not exceed three years. Each period of activity must be renewed by the SIAM Council and the SIAM Board of Trustees. The SIAM Council and Board of Trustees, at their July 2007 meetings, renewed the SIAG charter for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2008, and ending December 31, 2010.
The SIAM Activity Group on Controls and Systems Theory (SIAG/CST) remains active; it has been renewed every two years by the SIAM Council and Board. See the most recent Charter renewal application for their current statement of activities and plans; a copy is located in the SIAG/CST Archive.
Should the SIAG desire to continue its activity following its termination date, it shall apply to the SIAM Council for renewal six months prior to the end of its termination date. Its application for renewal shall describe how the SIAG will continue to complement SIAM activities and describe its support of the functions indicated in its RULES. The activities of the SIAG shall not be continued to a new period of activity without SIAM Council approval and SIAM Board of Trustees authorization.
The SIAG shall terminate its activities following its termination date unless it has SIAM Council approval and SIAM Board of Trustees authorization.