Officer Responsibilities and Job Descriptions
- Election
- Oversee election for replacement SIAM Activity Group officers who will serve the next term of office
- Plan and implement orientation of replacement officers who will serve the next term of office
- When possible, to provide continuity in SIAM Activity Group governance, document policies and procedures that can be provided to incoming new officers
- Renew SIAM Activity Group charter at two to three years, as indicated in the SIAM Activity Group Rules of Procedure
Conference Strategy and Oversight
- In conjunction with SIAM Vice President Programs, develop and oversee long term conference strategy to ensure that educational content achieves goals as stated in the SIAM Activity Group Rules of Procedure
- Monitor conference attendance and financial performance to ensure that conferences remain viable and cover all costs
- Soon after a recurring conference, appoint a chair for the next conference in the series. Ideally, the chair for the next conference should be announced at the prior conference
- Monitor the planning and progress on each current conference to ensure that all milestones are being met in a timely fashion
- Ensure that SIAM Activity Group is represented at SIAM Annual Meeting in years where there is no SIAM Activity Group conference
- Ensure that at least once every seven years either a track of at least six minisymposia is organized at the SIAM Annual Meeting or the activity group meeting is held jointly with the annual meeting. The Vice President for Programs and the Vice President at Large will coordinate the scheduling with the SIAM Activity Group Chair.
Program Development
- Develop and oversee programs that will best achieve goals of the SIAM Activity Group, as written in the founding Rules of Procedure. (Web Portal, collaborative programs with other entities, etc.)
- Appoint any committees, task forces needed to plan and implement programs
Communication with Members
- Determine best method of dissemination of information to SIAM Activity Group members (newsletter - hard copy or electronic, electronic mailing list, web portal, etc.) and oversee implementation
- Appoint energetic and well-connected liaison to SIAM News to ensure that members are aware of upcoming SIAM Activity Group conferences and activities. (job description will be provided)
- Appoint liaison for Web Portal
- Appoint two liaisons to SIAM’s book program (job description will be provided)
- If necessary, appoint an editor to oversee selected forms of communication
Communication with SIAM
- The Membership Manager is your main point of contact
- Communicate with the Chief Executive Officer and Vice President at Large regarding mission and goals of SIAM Activity Group, and any issues confronting the SIAM Activity Group
Communication with Other Chairs
- SIAM Activity Group President (or designated representative) to attend meeting of SIAM Activity Group Chairs held in conjunction with SIAM Annual Meeting
- Communication with other SIAM Activity Group Chairs is possible through an electronic mailing list of all SIAM Activity Group Chairs
Jobs Descriptions
Vice Chair
Program Director
Secretary Job
Liaison to SIAM News