This activity group is for mathematicians and computational scientists who care about the future of our planet. We are a multidisciplinary activity group studying Earth's climate system and the effects of climate change; issues of resilience, sustainability, and biodiversity; and the impact of human activities on the environment.
We organize the biennial SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth and minisymposia at the SIAM Annual Meeting. Members of the activity group receive discounted registration.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (SIAP) is an interdisciplinary journal containing research articles that treat scientific problems using methods that are of mathematical interest.
SIAM Activity Groups provide a more focused forum for SIAM members interested in exploring one of the areas of applied mathematics, computational science, or applications. Get connected.
SIAM Activity Groups provide a more focused forum for SIAM members interested in exploring one of the areas of applied mathematics, data and computational science, or applications. Get connected.