Committee on SIAM Activity Groups
The Committee on SIAM Activity Groups supports the Vice President at Large in overseeing SIAM Activity Groups (also known as SIAGs). The committee monitors current activities of SIAGs, reviews their charter renewal requests, and screens applications for new activity groups before presentation to the SIAM Council and Board for approval.
Current Members
Additional Details
Roles and Responsibilities
The Committee on SIAG Activity Groups shall have the following responsibilities:
- Annually review the charter renewal applications of those SIAGs whose terms are expiring and prepare a written report to the VP at Large, SIAM Council, and Board (in turn) with recommendations on renewal and action on issues raised in the charter renewal application.
- Ensure each SIAM activity group is functioning according to its charter and rules of procedure and is serving its membership. Normally this is reviewed during the charter renewal process, but may be done at other times if issues should arise or if the VP at Large requests a review.
- Ensure that the election process for each activity group runs smoothly. The VP at Large may delegate to the committee responsibility for approving nominating committees for each SIAM activity group election and/or to review the slate of candidates produced by SIAG nominating committees.
- When a petition to form a new SIAM activity group is received, the VP at Large will request the committee to review the petition and make a written report with a recommendation that can be forwarded to the SIAM Council and Board by the VP at Large. The written report should state an argument for or against approval of the activity group based on relevance of topical coverage, scope, proposed activities, and potential membership.
- Other ad hoc requests from the SIAM VP at Large related to analysis of SIAM activity groups.
This committee was created by the SIAM Council in 2015 and reports to the VP at Large. The committee makes recommendations to the VP at Large, who has responsibility for overseeing activity groups. The VP at Large makes recommendations to the Council and Board who have final decision-making authority over SIAM activity groups.
This committee does not have either responsibility or authority for SIAG conferences. That authority and responsibility goes through the VP for Programs to the SIAM Council and Board.
Committee Membership
The Committee on SIAM Activity Groups shall be composed of three to five SIAM members. Appointments shall be for three year terms and should be staggered so that after an initial start-up period, one person is appointed (or re-appointed) each year. When making appointments, consideration should be given to having a breadth of topical coverage and knowledge of SIAM activity groups. The chair position will normally rotate each year to be held by that individual in his or her third year on the committee. [starting 2018 at which time the full committee terms will have been instituted]. (Updated: 6/30/24)
The VP at Large is not considered a member of the Committee on SIAM Activity Groups, but should be extended a courtesy invitation to their meetings, since the committee reports to the VP at Large.
The SIAM Committee on Committees and Appointments shall recommend appointments for this committee to the SIAM President. The CCA may consult with the VP at Large regarding these appointments.
Conduct of Business
This committee will normally conduct its business via email and teleconference. Travel is not routinely required, although the committee may choose to meet, at their convenience, at a SIAM conference.
Reports from this committee should be delivered to the VP and Large with a copy to the SIAM HQ.
SIAM HQ will designate a member of the SIAM staff to serve as the liaison to this committee. The liaison will ensure that the committee is in contact with the appropriate staff person for the various aspects of its work.
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