Certificates of Recognition
SIAM is proud to recognize students for outstanding service and contributions to our student chapters by awarding select students with certificates of recognition from SIAM.
Rational for Certificate of Recognition
The certificate recognizes the student's hard work, instills loyalty to SIAM, encourages students to join and work with SIAM, gives direct exposure of SIAM leadership to the students, and adds something noteworthy to the student's record for career building.
Criteria for Selection
Participation in this program is optional. The faculty adviser(s) of every student chapter may annually select up to one student from each chapter to be recognized for exceptional service to the chapter. Selection of a recipient is done entirely at the adviser's discretion with no involvement or approval by SIAM. The recipient must be a student member of the chapter and a member of SIAM.
Certificate of Recognition
The selected student will receive the SIAM student chapter certificate of recognition signed by the SIAM Chief Executive Officer and the SIAM President. The names of students receiving certificates of recognition are announced in SIAM News.
The Process
- SIAM will send an email to all chapter faculty advisers announcing the certificate of recognition program and will include the necessary forms to make selections. Faculty adviser(s) of each chapter may select up to one student chapter member annually to receive the certificate.
- The certificate will be mailed to the faculty adviser(s) so that they may award it to the student personally. If requested, the certificate can be mailed directly to the recipient.
- February 15: Announce the certificate program and request that chapter advisers send the name, email, and mailing address of recipient.
- March 7: Deadline for receipt of names from the chapter faculty adviser.
- April 1: Mail certificates (to adviser or recipient as indicated by faculty adviser).