Have a Lasting Impact

SIAM Transformation Society

The SIAM Transformation Society is a special group of SIAM members and friends who have committed visionary gifts to SIAM that extend beyond their lifetime. If you have included SIAM in your estate through a bequest, with a gift of real estate or other personal property, by making SIAM the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement account, or by utilizing the Required Minimum Distribution from a qualifying retirement account, you are eligible to join this group and receive special thanks and recognition.

For more information or to share your estate giving plans, please contact Abby Addy, Director of Development and Corporate Relations.

Thank You

to members of the Transformation Society! Your generosity will have a lasting impact on SIAM for years to come.

How You Can Support

You can arrange for a gift to be allocated to SIAM later, either during your lifetime or at the time of your death. SIAM has several planned giving options:


Donors who want to support SIAM with a larger gift than they can immediately give should consider bequeathing something to SIAM by leaving instructions, typically in their will, or through beneficiary designations and revocable living trusts. You can detail different types of bequests in your will and update it throughout your life as your family, priorities, and wishes change. Charitable bequests come with certain tax benefits for the estate of the donor.

Brokerage Accounts & Life Insurance Policies

You can name SIAM as a beneficiary of your brokerage account or your life insurance policy. It is a simple and straightforward way to support SIAM. You do not need to update your will; you can express your values simply by signing your name, and you have the flexibility to change your beneficiary designations at any time.

Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

DAFs are like a charitable investment account for the sole purpose of supporting non-profit organizations you care about during and after your lifetime. Cash, securities, or other assets can be invested for tax-free growth, and you can disburse grants to virtually any IRS-qualified public charity, like SIAM!

IRA Charitable Rollover

If you are 70.5 years or older, you may transfer up to $105,000 per year directly from your IRA to non-profit organizations, like SIAM, without claiming any increased income or paying any additional tax. You can use all or a part of your required minimum distribution (RMD) to make a gift, or use your RMD to make gifts to multiple organizations. Better yet, the tax-free rollover gift can qualify for your required IRA distribution, thereby lowering your taxable income.

Real Estate

SIAM considers gifts of real property on a case-by-case basis in accordance with its gift policies. Such donations may include residences, vacation homes, businesses, or commercial properties (developed or undeveloped).

Contact SIAM Development Staff

Contact SIAM Development Staff

*Read the SIAM privacy policy.