Prize Specifications
Principal Guideline
The SIAM Activity Group on Imaging Science (SIAG/IS) Early Career Prize, established in 2015, is awarded to an outstanding early career researcher in the field of imaging science for distinguished contributions to the field in the three calendar years prior to the year of the award.
Prize Committee
The SIAG/IS Prize Committee will select the recipient. This committee will consist of a panel of at least five SIAG/IS members and will oversee all SIAG/IS prizes to be awarded at the next SIAM Conference on Imaging Science.
The SIAG Chair, in consultation with the other officers, will form a list of at least five SIAG/IS members to serve on the prize selection committee, will designate the chair, and will submit the list to the SIAM Vice President at Large (SIAM VPAL) for approval prior to inviting the committee members to serve.
The SIAG officers will seek to ensure a diverse composition of the prize committee in research area, gender, geography, employment sector (industry, national laboratories, universities), and under-represented groups.
The term of office will be from the date of appointment until the date of the award.
Rules of Operation
The SIAG/IS officers and the SIAM office will solicit nominations for the prize from the general membership of the SIAG/IS and from other members of the scientific community, using SIAM office resources as needed.
The prize committee will follow the ‘best practices’ set out in the SIAM document for Selection Committees. The prize committee will follow the SIAM rules for conflict of interest as posted on the SIAM web site.
If a committee member accepts nomination for the award, the SIAG officers will appoint a replacement upon notification by the committee chair and with the approval of the SIAM VPAL.
Selection Procedures
The recipient's work must be a distinguished research contribution to imaging science, with significant publications within the three calendar years prior to the year of the award. The recipient must be a graduate student or have obtained a PhD or equivalent degree within the five calendar years prior to the year of the award. The committee may consider exceptions to the five-year rule, for career interruptions or delays occurring, e.g., for childbearing, child rearing, or elder care. The award can be received only once in a lifetime.
Recommendation of the Prize Committee
The Prize Committee will notify the SIAM VPAL of its selection at least six months prior to the award date. The notification must be accompanied by a written justification and a citation not exceeding 25 words that will be read at award time, and may be listed in the conference program.
The SIAM VPAL will accept or reject the committee's recommendation within one month of notification.
If the recommendation is accepted, the award presentation will be made according to the procedure below. If the recommendation is not accepted, the SIAM VPAL and the Prize Committee will select an acceptable individual at least four months prior to the award date.
The Selection Committee has the authority to choose to abstain from giving the award if there is no acceptable individual. If the award is not given for this reason, a new selection committee will be selected for the next award cycle.[1]
Notification of Award
The Chair of the Prize Committee will notify the recipient of the award at least four months in advance of the award date.
An invitation will also be extended to the recipient to attend the award ceremony at the biennial SIAM Conference on Imaging Science to receive the award. The recipient will be offered the opportunity to give a brief plenary talk at this conference about the work for which the award is given.
Description of Award
Award Type
The award will consist of a certificate containing the citation. As part of the award, the recipient will be invited to give a brief plenary talk at the conference. Travel funds will be made available to reimburse the recipient for reasonable travel expenses incurred in attending the award ceremony and giving the talk.
Award Date and Eligibility Period
The prize is awarded every second year (starting in 2016) at the biennial SIAM Conference on Imaging Science. The eligibility period is the three calendar years prior to the year of the award. The overlap in eligibility periods is intended to ensure that no candidate will fail to be considered due to the nomination deadline.
Prize Fund
Since there is no cash award, there will be no prize fund. Travel expenses will be covered by the SIAM Conference on Imaging Science where the recipient gives an invited presentation.
Award Presentation
The SIAG/IS Chair and the Chair of the Prize Committee will announce the award at the SIAM Conference on Imaging Science and present the award to the recipient. An announcement of the award will appear in SIAM News, on the SIAG/IS website, and in the SIAG/IS Newsletter.
[1] An award decision will also be postponed to the next cycle if the number of nominations does not meet the required number to forward to the selection committee. See SIAM Prize Policy for more information.