Principal Guidelines

The prize, established in 1995, is awarded for original contributions to fields associated with Germund Dahlquist, especially the numerical solution of differential equations and numerical methods for scientific computing.

Prize Committee

The prize committee will consist of five members, with one designated as "Chair." The prize committee will be chosen by unanimous agreement of the president of SIAM and two members of a standing committee associated with the prize. One member of the prize committee should be a representative of the Nordic numerical analysis community, preferably associated with a Nordic applied mathematics /numerical analysis society.

Appointments to the prize committee should be made at least eighteen months before the prize award date.

Tenure of the Prize Committee

The committee for each prize serves from the date of appointment until the prize is awarded. If no prize winner is chosen, the committee's duties will be completed.

Rules of Operations

The prize committee will follow the ‘best practices’ set out in the SIAM document for Selection Committees. The prize committee will follow the SIAM rules for conflicts of interest as posted on the SIAM website.

Standing Committee

The standing committee for the Dahlquist Prize should consist of between two and five distinguished numerical analysts knowledgeable about the fields covered by the prize. New members of the standing committee are chosen by existing members, subject to approval by the SIAM president.

Selection Procedures


The prize can only be awarded to a researcher who has at most 18 years (full time equivalent) of involvement in mathematics since PhD at the award date, allowing for breaks in continuity, or who in the opinion of the prize committee is at an equivalent stage in their career.


The SIAM office is responsible for solicitation and evaluation of nominations. Nominations may be made by anyone. It is the responsibility of the nominator to provide all relevant information to the prize committees, including a resume and any letter(s) of support.

Recommendation of the Prize Committee

The recommendation of a recipient for the award should be reported by the prize committee to the SIAM President at least seven months before the date of the award. The recommendation must be accompanied by a written justification and a citation of about 100 words that can be read at the award date.

The president will report these findings to the Executive Committee of the SIAM Council. That committee will accept or reject the recommendation at least six months prior to the award date.

If the recommendation is accepted, the award presentation will be made according to the procedure below. If the recommendation is not accepted, the prize committee may offer a second recommendation. However, this must be done so as to allow acceptance or rejection by the Executive Committee at least five months prior to the award date.

The Selection Committee has the authority to choose to abstain from giving the award if there is no acceptable individual. If the award is not given for this reason, a new selection committee will be selected for the next award cycle.[1]

Prize Award Date

A prize committee will be appointed every two years. If no prize is awarded, the award date moves ahead two years.

Description of the Award

The award is to include a certificate containing the citation and a cash prize, the amount of which is to be determined by the Executive Committee of the SIAM Board in consultation with the standing committee. Normally, the amount of the prize will be approximately the available proceeds from the endowment, and should be approximately $2000 plus reasonable travel costs to the meeting at which the prize is awarded.

Award Presentation

The prize will be given every two years at one of the (1) SciCADE conferences, (2) an ICIAM conference, or (3) the SIAM Annual Meeting. Presentation of the award will be made by a member of the standing committee or by the president of SIAM. The recipient may be required to present a talk at the conference.

[1] An award decision will also be postponed to the next cycle if the number of nominations does not meet the required number to forward to the selection committee. See SIAM Prize Policy for more information.

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