Prize History

  • 2024

    Jorge Nocedal


    The 2024 John von Neumann prize is awarded to Jorge Nocedal for his fundamental work in nonlinear optimization, both in the deterministic and stochastic settings. His research comprises numerous contributions to quasi-Newton methods, interior-point methods, and the theoretical foundations of stochastic gradient methods that are pivotal to machine learning. His leadership resulted in the creation of L-BFGS-B and KNITRO, two software products that remain highly influential in a broad range of applications. He is the co-author of the distinguished textbook "Numerical Optimization", which has become a modern classic in applied mathematics.

    Selection Committee

    • Sven Leyffer (Chair)
    • Sue Brenner
    • Gitta Kutyniok
    • C.E. Wayne
    • Andrea Walther
  • 2023

    Yousef Saad
  • 2022

    Leah Edelstein-Keshet
  • 2021

    Chi-Wang Shu
  • 2020

    Lloyd Nicholas Trefethen
  • 2019

    Margaret H. Wright
  • 2018

    Charles F. Van Loan
  • 2017

    Bernard J. Matkowsky
  • 2016

    Donald E. Knuth
  • Earlier Years

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