Prize Description

The SIAM Industry Prize is awarded every year to an individual researcher or team (referred to as “awardee”) who has had outstanding contributions to the effective application of mathematical sciences to industry. This work and its impact may be documented in letters that convey the significance and importance of the work, and/or peer reviewed papers, conference proceedings and/or patents.

Prize Committee

The prize committee will be appointed by the SIAM President in consultation with the SIAM VP of Industry and shall consist of five SIAM members, with at least three members being from industry. One of these committee members will be designated by the president as chair of the committee.

These five members will be chosen to represent different research areas targeting diverse mathematical applications, including members from research centers/institutes, national laboratories, and industry. The initial committee will consist of two members serving a three-year term and three members serving a two-year term. All subsequent committee members will each serve a two-year term. Each year, as appropriate, two or three new members of the committee shall be appointed to serve a two-year term.

If, for any reason, a committee member is unable to complete their term, the SIAM President, in consultation with the chair, shall appoint an individual to serve for the remaining portion of their term.

Rules of Operation

The prize committee will follow the ‘best practices’ set out in the SIAM document for Selection Committees. The prize committee will follow the SIAM rules for conflicts of interest as posted on the SIAM website.

Selection Procedures

Eligibility Criteria

The prize may be awarded to any member of the scientific community for their individual work, or a team for a single piece of collaborative work, performed in a non-academic setting that meets the general guideline of the prize description.

The SIAM office and Industry Committee will solicit nominations from the scientific community. A call for nominations shall appear in SIAM News and other similar scientific periodicals. All nominations must be submitted to SIAM nine months prior to the awarding of the prize.

Recommendation by Prize Committee

The committee will notify the SIAM President of its recommendation six months before the prize award date. The committee's report must include a written justification (a short report on the committee's deliberations that justifies the recommendation) and a citation of about 100 words that may be read at the time of the award.

The prize committee has the authority to choose to abstain from giving the award if there is no acceptable individual or team. [1]

Approval by the Executive Committee of the SIAM Council

The president will report the committee's recommendation to the Executive Committee of the SIAM Council, which will accept or reject the committee's choice within 1-2 weeks of notification.

If the prize committee's nomination is accepted by the Executive Committee of the SIAM Council, the award presentation will be made as described later. If the initial nomination is not accepted, the selection committee will provide a second recommendation within two weeks of submitting the first recommendation.

Notification of the Prize Winner

The president will notify the recipient(s) no later than five months prior to the award date.

Required Materials

  • Nominator’s letter of recommendation for candidate(s)
  • CV(s) of the candidate(s)
  • Two-three letters of support from experts in the field and/or application

Description of the Award

Nature of the Award

The awardee of the SIAM Industry Prize shall receive from the prize fund an engraved medal, a cash award of $2,000, and reasonable expenses for one person for travel to the award ceremony and present a lecture from the prize fund. If more than one person receives the prize, the cash award is to be divided equally among the recipients. As part of the award, the recipient or a single representative of the team will be invited to present a lecture at the SIAM Annual Meeting, or a major SIAM Conference. The lecture will be publicized in meeting announcements.

Award Date

The prize is given every year at the SIAM Annual Meeting, or at another major SIAM Conference.

Award Presentation

The prize will be awarded by the president at the SIAM Annual Meeting, or at another major SIAM Conference.

Prize History

Pending funding information

[1] An award decision will also be postponed to the next cycle if the number of nominations does not meet the required number to forward to the selection committee. See SIAM Prize Policy for more information.

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