Prize History

  • 2023

    SUNDIALS Core Development Group: Carol S. Woodward, Cody J. Balos, Peter N. Brown, David J. Gardner, Alan C. Hindmarsh, Daniel R. Reynolds, & Radu Serban


    The 2023 SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering is awarded to the SUNDIALS core development team for innovative research and development of nonlinear and differential/algebraic equation solvers for high-performance computing that provides unique, critical capabilities in the scientific software ecosystem.

    Selection Committee

    • Robert Schnabel (Chair)
    • Xiao-Chuan Cai
    • Ulrike Meier Yang
  • 2021

    George Em Karniadakis
  • 2019

    Jack Dongarra
  • 2017

    Thomas J. R. Hughes
  • 2015

    PETSc Core Development Group: Satish Balay, Jed Brown, William Gropp, Matthew Knepley, Lois Curfman McInnes, Barry Smith, and Hong Zhang
  • 2013

    Linda R. Petzold
  • 2011

    J. Tinsley Oden
  • 2009

    Cleve Moler
  • 2007

    Chi-Wang Shu
  • Earlier Years

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