Principal Guidelines

The SIAM Student Paper Prizes are awarded every year to the student author(s) of the most outstanding SIAM paper(s) submitted to the SIAM Student Paper Competition. This award is based solely on the merit and content of the student's contribution to the submitted paper

The purpose of the Student Paper Prizes is to recognize outstanding scholarship by students in SIAM journals.

Selection Procedures


Eligibility is restricted to those who were students in good standing at the time the paper was submitted for publication but did not yet have a PhD at that time.

Eligible papers must have been accepted for publication in a SIAM journal at the application deadline and at most three years before the application deadline. Papers do not need to have been published at the time of submission. At most one co-author of an eligible paper can be awarded a prize for that paper.

A student can only be considered for a single paper in any year.

Prize Committee


The nominator, who will typically be the student’s advisor, must submit the following three items.

  1. The complete paper as accepted for publication, along with proof of date of submission and proof that the paper has been accepted for publication.
  2. The student's short vitae of at most two pages.
  3. A letter from the nominator or from a senior co-author confirming that the student meets the eligibility criteria and describing the paper's research contribution and the student's role in the scholarship.

The nominator must attest that all co-authors (if any) of the paper have agreed to the submission.

Notification Award

The SIAM president will notify the recipient(s) at least six weeks before the award date.

Each recipient will present his or her paper at the meeting where the prizes are awarded; if attending the meeting poses a serious hardship, an exception may be granted by the SIAM president.

Description of the Award

Each recipient of the SIAM Student Paper Prize shall receive a framed certificate and reimbursement up to the value of a SIAM Travel Award ($650 for domestic travel; $800 for intercontinental travel). A cash prize of $1,000 per paper will be awarded. Up to three awards will be made each year.

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