About the Fellowship

The SIAM Science Policy Fellowship Program enables participants to gain in-depth knowledge of the policy processes that determine science funding and policy decisions while still pursuing their research and teaching. Fellowship recipients will receive training and guidance on how to effectively communicate with federal officials and congressional staff. Participants will also learn about important legislative issues as well as the federal budget and appropriations process. Training will occur both in-person at the SIAM Committee on Science Policy Meetings as well as remotely. Fellowship recipients will play an important role representing the industrial and applied mathematics community to policy-makers in Washington, D.C.

Fellowship Responsibilities

  • Attend 2-day SIAM Committee on Science Policy meetings held during the spring and fall each year
  • Participate in training webinars on key budget and policy issues
  • Meet with lawmakers, legislative staff, and federal agency officials in Washington, D.C.
  • Assist the Committee on Science Policy in developing policy statements and white papers to seed new federal initiatives
  • Take advantage of many networking opportunities with both peers and leaders in SIAM
  • Develop an independent policy project with guidance that will enable deeper learning on a topic of interest to the fellowship recipient and SIAM

Eligibility Criteria

  • Be a postdoc or early career researcher
  • Be a SIAM member in good standing
  • Have a passion for learning about public policy and an interest in being an advocate for applied mathematics and computational science
  • Have strong communication skills
  • Work and live in the U.S. and have a full-time job during the two-year fellowship term
  • Be able to commit to travel to Washington, D.C. twice a year (all costs paid by SIAM)

Required Materials

  • A CV/Resume
  • Candidate statement addressing why you would like to participate in the program and how it would benefit you and your career (maximum 500 words)
  • Issue statement describing one policy issue you care about and why it is important for the future of applied mathematics and/or computational science (maximum 500 words)
  • Applicants may be contacted for an interview 


I'm really looking forward to meeting other science policy fellows and hearing about their stories with this program. Also, I'm excited to learn a lot about policy and being able to use that to support my students at my institution.

Iván Ojeda-Ruiz 2024 SIAM Science Policy Fellow

2024 - 2025

Jonas Albert Actor

Sandia National Laboratories

Arielle Carr

Lehigh University

Ekaterina Landgren

University of Colorado, Boulder

Iván Ojeda-Ruiz

Texas State University

Catherine Claire Pollack

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Contact SIAM Science Policy Fellowship Staff