Tondeur Initiatives
With the help of Philippe and Claire-Lise Tondeur, SIAM coordinates with sister societies to create supportive programs for career-seeking mathematicians.
About the Tondeur Initiatives
In 2018, Philippe and Claire-Lise Tondeur made donations to SIAM, American Mathematical Society (AMS), and Mathematical Association of America (MAA), to support U.S.-based mathematicians interested in careers outside the professorate in business, industry, and government (i.e., “BIG” careers). In his many leadership roles, which include directing the Division of Mathematical Sciences at the National Science Foundation from 1999 to 2002, Philippe Tondeur has tirelessly championed mathematics and mathematicians. SIAM leadership thanks Philippe and Claire-Lise Tondeur for their vision, advocacy, and generosity.
The initiatives funded under the Tondeur donation align with the mission of the BIG Math Network, which acts as a repository of information for students seeking BIG internships and careers. SIAM is proud to work in coordination with the BIG Math Network and its fellow mathematics societies to implement the Tondeurs’ vision.
Talking BIG Jobs Interview Series
SIAM, in collaboration with AMS, conducts a webinar series of live and interactive interviews of mathematicians in BIG jobs, where the interviewers are graduate students in the mathematical sciences. Participants will learn about the opportunities and challenges, both mathematical and professional, experienced by mathematicians working in a variety of sectors, and will have the chance to pose their own questions directly to the interviewees. Watch all installments of the Talking BIG Jobs Interview Series on SIAM's YouTube playlist.
Talking BIG Jobs Interview Series
Student Media Fellows Program
SIAM, in collaboration with AMS, conducts a yearly competition to select a two-person cohort of interviewers for the BIG Jobs Live Interview Series. U.S.-based graduate students in the mathematical sciences who are interested in receiving training from Philadelphia’s public media station, WHYY, and applying those skills as interview hosts, are invited to submit 4-minute videos that demonstrate their potential. A committee selects two members of the cohort, who are brought to Philadelphia to undergo training and launch their year as Student Media Fellows.
Student Media Fellows
Sarah Minucci, Virginia Commonwealth University
Caitlin Waddle, San Francisco State University
BIG Career Data
SIAM, in collaboration with AMS, is gathering data on the career arcs of a sample set of Ph.D. mathematicians who graduated in the mid-2000’s.
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