About SIAM News
The objective of SIAM News—the newsjournal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)—is to publicize the state of the art in applied math, computational science, and data science and highlight important real-world applications of mathematical research. By doing so, the publication lays the groundwork for scientific advances and new discoveries, facilitates efforts to address the world’s most pressing problems, and enables leaders and policymakers to make informed decisions.
By providing coverage of novel applications of mathematics and innovative uses of mathematical methods in a multitude of areas—from biology and medicine to physics and Earth science—SIAM News is intended for both SIAM members and the overall community that is served by the organization. Our readers work in a wide array of areas in applied/computational math and range from students to professors and senior researchers. SIAM News also publishes book reviews, relevant updates from SIAM headquarters, and content that pertains to science policy, careers and professional development, mathematics education, software, ethics, and trends in the discipline — all of which may interest educators, policymakers, and individuals in regulatory and administrative roles.
SIAM News has two components: the print newsjournal, which publishes 10 times per year, and SIAM News Online, the corresponding website. Print articles appear both in print and online, while blog articles appear solely on the website.
Do you have information to share about novel research advancements or events and happenings in the realm of applied math, computational science, or data science? Take a look at our guidelines for submission to SIAM News. Suggestions for both print and online articles should be addressed to Lina Sorg, managing editor, at either sorg@siam.org or sinews@siam.org. Letters to the editor are also welcome.
Copyright 2024, all rights reserved by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, SIAM, 3600 Market Street, 6th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688; (215)-382-9800. The material published is not endorsed by SIAM, nor is it intended to reflect SIAM’s opinion. The editors reserve the right to select and edit all materials submitted for publication.
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View the SIAM News archive from 1998 to 2012
SIAM News Staff
Lina Sorg, Managing Editor
Jillian Kunze, Associate Editor
Editorial Board
Hans Kaper, editor-in-chief, Georgetown University, USA
Korana Burke, University of California, Davis, USA
Amr El-Bakry, ExxonMobil Production, USA
James Mac Hyman, Tulane University, USA
Oana Marin, PeraCompute Technologies, USA
Lois Curfman McInnes, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Nilima Nigam, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Ali Pinar, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Rosemary Renaut, Arizona State University, USA
SIAM Activity Group Liaisons
Algebraic Geometry
Kaie Kubjas, Aalto University, Finland
Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
Gui-Qiang G. Chen, University of Oxford, UK
Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms
Nate Veldt, Texas A&M University
Applied Mathematics Education
Padmanabhan Seshaiyer, George Mason University, USA
Computational Science and Engineering
Siva Rajamanickam, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Control and Systems Theory
Dante Kalise, Imperial College London, UK
Data Science
Tim Chartier, Davidson College, USA
Discrete Mathematics
Prasad Tetali, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Dynamical Systems
Korana Burke, University of California, Davis, USA
Financial Mathematics and Engineering
Luitgard Veraart, London School of Economics, UK
Geometric Design
Jorg Peters, University of Florida, USA
Talea Mayo, Emory University, USA
Imaging Science
Gitta Kutyniok, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
Life Sciences
Reginald McGee, Haverford College, USA
Linear Algebra
Malena Espanol, Arizona State University, USA
Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science
Felix Otto, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Germany
Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures
Katie Oliveras, Seattle University, USA
Matt Menickelly, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions
Howard Cohl, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Uncertainty Quantification
Elaine Spiller, Marquette University, USA
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