Upcoming Career Fair at AN18
If you plan to attend the 2018 SIAM Annual Meeting in Portland, Ore., from July 9-13, you may be interested in the Career Fair sessions on July 9. The Career Fair will showcase employers from both industry and government, with whom attendees can discuss opportunities for internships and postdoctoral and full-time appointments.
Morning and afternoon sessions will be held from 8:30 to 11 a.m. and 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., respectively. A Graduate Student and Industry Reception will follow from 7:15 to 9:15 p.m. that evening. This will serve as an excellent opportunity for students and early-career professionals to meet government and industry representatives, learn what they look for in candidates, and hear what each employer has to offer. If you are searching for employment or would like to learn more about potential careers, do not miss the chance to network and speak with knowledgeable individuals from a range of organizations.
Representatives from 20 to 30 employers are expected to discuss current and future opportunities in their organizations and industries. The list of participating employers currently includes the following: 3M Company; American Family Insurance; Argonne National Laboratory; Battelle; Nokia Bell Labs; BlackRock; Boeing; Dyndrite Corp.; ExxonMobil; Ford; Google; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; MathWorks; MITRE Corporation; NASA’s Langley Research Center, High Performance Computing Incubator; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Sandia National Laboratories; and Schlumberger.
If you are attending the Career Fair as a student or professional, do not forget to submit your resume! Submission instructions are available on the Career Fair website. As the event nears, SIAM will make submitted resumes available to organization representatives.
Interested employers are also encouraged to participate. With over 1,000 attendees, more than 200 of whom are students, the SIAM Annual Meeting is a perfect opportunity to recruit individuals with mathematical talent and training. Many of these students and professionals have advanced mathematical backgrounds and are highly skilled in computational methods. The Career Fair is an exceptional chance to not only hire employees, but to advertise a company’s mission to a broad and diverse audience.
For further information about the Career Fair at the 2018 SIAM Annual Meeting—including helpful hints for navigating the event and employer participation instructions—please refer to the Career Fair website. See you in Portland!
— Maxwell Hayes, SIAM