Vote in the 2024 SIAM Elections
The polls for the 2024 SIAM General Election open Tuesday, September 10, 2024. SIAM membership will elect three members to the SIAM Board of Trustees and four to the SIAM Council.
The Board has fiduciary responsibility for SIAM and has full legal control of the organization’s assets. The Board is responsible for the management of SIAM, taking into account SIAM’s professional and scientific policies and objectives.
The Council is responsible for formulating scientific policies of SIAM, monitoring its technical activities, proposing new activities, and recommending action to the Board as appropriate. You can review the candidates' biographical information and statements regarding the future direction of SIAM below.
Voting instructions and credentials will be emailed to SIAM members who are eligible to vote on September 10, 2024, when the polls open. The email will come from Election Manager at and the subject will be "2024 SIAM General Election – Polls are now open." The body of the message will provide your unique voting login information and a direct link to submit your ballot. The deadline for voting is Monday, November 4, 2024.
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It is important that you take the time to vote. Members elected to SIAM leadership govern SIAM's activities and make important decisions for the organization on your behalf. Questions regarding the election process can be directed to the SIAM Election Manager. Thanks in advance for your vote!
Board of Trustees
Council Members-at-Large
- Inga Berre*
- Henry Cohn
- David F. Gleich
- Chen Greif
- Christine Harvey
- Evelyn Sander*
- Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb*
- Kim-Chuan Toh
*indicates incumbent
Candidate Profiles
Board of Trustees

Alina Chertock
North Carolina State University
Professional Experience:
LeRoy B. Martin, Jr. Distinguished Professor, Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University (2021-present)
Associate director, Center for Research in Scientific Computation, North Carolina State University (2017-present)
Department head, Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University (2015-present)
Associate professor, Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University (2007-2013)
Assistant professor, Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University (2002-2007)
Visiting assistant professor, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley (2001-2002)
Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley (1999-2001)
Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Mathematics, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (1999-2001)
Instructor, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel-Aviv University and Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo (1996-1999)
Ph.D., Applied mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel-Aviv University (1999)
M.Sc., Applied mathematics, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University (1989)
SIAM Activities:
Member, Selection committee, AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture (2023-2025)
Associate editor, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (2017-2025)
Chair, Selection committee, AWM-SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture (2024)
Chair, Selection committee, W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize in Mathematics (2024)
Member, Selection committee, W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize in Mathematics (2020-2024)
Co-chair, SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (2019)
Secretary, SIAM Activity Group on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (2018)
Professional Memberships:
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures
Member, American Mathematical Society
Member, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society
Research Interests:
Applied nonlinear partial differential equations
Scientific computing
Numerical analysis
Multiscale models
Uncertain phenomena
Machine learning
Candidate Statement:
SIAM has been instrumental in advancing the fields of applied and computational mathematics, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to its management and future direction. I have been working in the field of applied mathematics for more than 30 years, focusing on developing numerical methods for partial differential equations. My work has always been about solving real-world problems using mathematics, and I have had the chance to contribute to projects in classical fluid dynamics, astrophysics, meteorology, electromagnetism, and modern biological models.
Alongside my research, I have taken on leadership roles responsible for budget planning, resource allocation, and strategic development. These experiences have prepared me to help oversee SIAM’s finances and ensure the organization remains strong and successful. I have also served on the advisory and scientific boards of several research institutions, providing guidance on strategic, financial, and organizational matters.
Looking ahead, I see several critical areas where SIAM can make a significant impact. One key focus area should be expanding SIAM’s engagement with interdisciplinary research, not just within STEM fields but also in areas like social sciences and public policy, where math can offer valuable insights. It is also essential for SIAM to continue building relationships with industry partners and encourage more companies to be involved in its activities. This will help ensure that the work being done by SIAM members remains relevant and applicable while also opening new career opportunities for our members. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, SIAM should explore new ways to leverage technology for greater reach and impact. This includes enhancing SIAM’s digital publications, expanding online learning opportunities, and utilizing data analytics to better serve members and the broader mathematical community.
Another crucial direction for SIAM is the continued support of education and the development of early-career researchers. The future of applied mathematics depends on nurturing the next generation of mathematicians, providing them with the resources, mentorship, and opportunities they need to succeed. SIAM’s role in this regard cannot be overstated, and I am committed to advocating for initiatives that support early-career professionals.
Finally, as a global organization, SIAM should increase its efforts to engage with the international community. This includes supporting collaborations with mathematical societies worldwide and offering more resources that are accessible to scientists in all regions.

Marta D’Elia
Pasteur Labs
Professional Experience:
Principal scientist, Scientific machine learning lead, Pasteur Labs (2023-Present)
Research scientist, Tech lead, Physics simulations and machine learning, Meta Reality Labs (2022-2023)
Principal member, Technical staff, Sandia National Laboratories (2021-2022)
Senior member, Technical staff, Sandia National Laboratories (2016-2021)
Ph.D., Applied mathematics, Emory University (2011)
M.Sc., Mathematical engineering, Politecnico di Milano (2007)
B.S., Mathematical engineering, Politecnico di Milano (2005)
SIAM Activities:
Member, SIAM Industry Committee (2024-present)
Vice-chair, Northern Central California Section of SIAM (2024-present)
Associate editor, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (2021-present)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Annual Meeting (2024)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (2020)
Professional Memberships:
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member, United States Association for Computational Mechanics (USACM)
Research Interests:
Scientific machine learning
Optimal design
Inverse problems
Nonlocal modeling and simulation
Data assimilation
Model predictive control
Candidate Statement:
I have been a member of SIAM for a long time and always considered it an excellent environment for an applied mathematician in academia and labs. However, I felt like the "I" component in "SIAM" was not stressed enough in the past. Recently, SIAM has been putting a lot of effort in involving industrial scientists more and more. This is exciting, especially for young researchers that have not been exposed to the industrial world. I have been very active in the last few years in sharing the industrial experience with the SIAM community through panels and participation in conferences. I would love to see this effort continuing, in synergy with all the SIAM activities.

Alison Ramage*
University of Strathclyde
Professional Experience:
Reader, Department of Mathematics, University of Strathclyde (2006-present)
Senior lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Strathclyde (2003-2006)
Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Strathclyde (1993-2003)
Visiting researcher, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland (1999-2000)
Visiting researcher, Department of Information Technology, University of Uppsala (1998-2016)
Ph.D., Numerical analysis, University of Bristol (1991)
B.Sc., Mathematics, University of St. Andrews (1987)
SIAM Activities:
Chair, SIAM Board (2023-present)
Member, Executive Committee, SIAM Board (2021-present)
Member, SIAM Financial Management Committee (2021-present)
Member, SIAM Board (2019-present)
Associate editor, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (2018-present)
Associate editor, Research Spotlights, SIAM Review (2015-present)
Member, SIAM Committee on Programs and Conferences (2016-2018)
Vice-Chair, SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra (2016-2018)
Member, SIAM Committee on Gene Golub SIAM Summer School (2015-2018)
Member, Program Committee, 2015 SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (2013-2015)
Faculty advisor, SIAM student chapter, University of Strathclyde (2011-2016)
Member, SIAM Council (2006-2009)
Secretary/Treasurer, SIAM United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Section (2002-2004)
Organizer, SIAM United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Section Annual Meeting (2004)
Organizer, SIAM United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Section Annual Meeting (2003)
Professional Memberships:
Fellow, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member, Edinburgh Mathematical Society
Member, European Women in Mathematics
Research Interests:
Numerical analysis
Numerical linear algebra with a focus on iterative solution methods and preconditioning, most recently for applications in computational fluid dynamics
Geotechnical engineering
Financial mathematics
Liquid crystal modelling
Data assimilation
Candidate Statement:
SIAM's outstanding publications, excellent conferences, and inclusive policies have made it one of the leading international professional organizations in applied mathematics for many years. To maintain this position, it is important that the SIAM Board of Trustees is strategic in thinking about future opportunities for, but also threats to, these and other key SIAM services.
SIAM provides a unique forum for facilitating interaction between new and established researchers in academia and industry and opportunities for continuing and expanding this should be exploited as fully as possible. This includes focusing on, for example, the help and encouragement offered by SIAM to students, younger career mathematicians, and minority groups; providing opportunities for the increasingly large proportion of SIAM members who live outside the U.S., through initiatives such as holding joint conferences outside North America; and promoting targeted workshops and upskilling opportunities for members working in industry.
Since attending my first SIAM conference as a Ph.D. student in 1989, I have volunteered in several different roles and have enjoyed them all. In particular, serving as Chair of the Board since 2023 has been a highlight, and I would be very happy to continue my participation in leading SIAM’s activities if given the opportunity.

Beatrice Riviere*
Rice University
Professional Experience:
Noah Harding Chair, Rice University (2015-present)
Professor, Rice University (2013-present)
Chair, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University (2015-2018)
Visiting professor, University of Heidelberg (2014)
Associate professor, Rice University (2008-2013)
Associate professor, University of Pittsburgh (2007-2008)
Assistant professor, University of Pittsburgh (2002-2007)
Postdoctoral fellow, University of Texas at Austin (2000-2002)
Ph.D., Computational and applied mathematics, University of Texas at Austin (2000)
M.A., Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University (1996)
Diplome d’Ingenieur, École Centrale de Lyon (1995)
Licence de mathematiques, Université Claude Bernard de Lyon (1993)
SIAM Activities:
Member, Executive Committee, SIAM Board of Trustees (2024-present)
Member, Financial Management Committee (2024-present)
Member, SIAM Board of Trustees (2022-present)
Associate editor, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (2019-present)
Minisymposium co-organizer, SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (2003-present)
Member, Fellows Selection Committee (2022-2024)
President, SIAM Texas-Louisiana Section (2020-2022)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Texas-Louisiana Section Annual Meeting (2020-2022)
Chair, Selection committee, Richard C. DiPrima Prize (2021)
Member, Nominating committee, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences (2020)
Chair, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences (2019-2020)
Minisymposium co-organizer, SIAM Texas-Louisiana Section Annual Meeting (2019-2020)
Associate editor, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (2010-2019)
Member, SIAM Committee, Association for Women in Mathematics (2016-2018)
Co-organizer, SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (2017)
Member, Nominating committee, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences (2016)
Chair, Selection committee, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences Career Prize (2016)
Chair, Selection committee, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences Early Career Prize (2016)
Secretary, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences (2013-2014)
Minisymposium co-organizer, SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences (2008)
Professional Memberships:
Fellow, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2021)
Fellow, International Association for Computational Mechanics (2024)
Fellow, Association for Women in Mathematics (2022)
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Life Sciences
Member, American Mathematical Society
Member, Association for Women in Mathematics
Member, International Association for Computational Mechanics
Member, U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics
Member, Women in High Performance Computing
Member, Women in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Research Interests:
Numerical analysis and scientific computing
High order numerical methods for partial differential equations
Scientific machine learning
Porous media, computational fluid dynamics, and mathematical biology
Candidate Statement:
SIAM is the leading society for computational and applied mathematicians. It is the place where new mathematics are developed to solve real-world problems. In an ever-changing world, SIAM's platform provides rich and constant support for collaborations among scientists from academia, industry, research institutes, and government laboratories.
It would be a privilege and an honor to help fulfill SIAM’s mission by continuing to serve as a Board member. I hope to help SIAM strengthen its educational mission and networking opportunities, particularly for junior scientists. I will work to ensure that SIAM increases the diversity of its members, strengthens the involvement of industry and government labs with its activities, and overall continues to be a dynamic and inclusive community. I will work with SIAM leadership to help promote applied mathematics and interdisciplinary research for tackling societal problems.

Chi-Wang Shu*
Brown University
Professional Experience:
Chair, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University (2023-present)
Chief editor, Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation (2019-present)
Theodore B. Stowell University Professor, Brown University (2008-present)
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Scientific Computing (2000-present)
Professor, Brown University (1996-present)
Chair, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University (1999-2005)
Associate professor, Brown University (1992-1996)
Assistant professor, Brown University (1987-1991)
Post-doctoral fellow, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, University of Minnesota (1986-1987)
Associate editor/co-chief editor/editor, Communications in Computational Physics, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Journal of Computational Physics, and several other journals
Ph.D., Mathematics, University of California at Los Angeles (1986)
B.S., Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China (1982)
SIAM Activities:
Member, SIAM Board of Trustees (2022-present)
Recipient, John von Neumann Prize (2021)
Chair, SIAM Section Activities Committee (2015-2017)
Member, SIAM Section Activities Committee (2013-2017)
Recipient, SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering (2007)
Associate editor, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (1993-2001)
Professional Memberships:
Fellow, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2009)
Fellow, Association for Women in Mathematics (2019)
Fellow, American Mathematical Society (2012)
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Computational Science and Engineering
Member, American Mathematical Society
Member, Association for Women in Mathematics
Research Interests:
Numerical analysis and scientific computing
Computational fluid dynamics
High order numerical methods for solving hyperbolic PDEs
Candidate Statement:
I am always happy to provide service to SIAM, have enjoyed my service as a Trustee since 2022, and would feel honored and be happy to continue serving as a Trustee for another term if reelected. SIAM is the main professional society for applied and computational mathematicians. It serves as a vehicle to facilitate exchange of ideas and promotion of major research directions in mathematics which could be used in application fields.
The power of mathematics in guiding and improving modeling, analysis, and computation in science and engineering can never be overemphasized. In return, scientists in applications can provide important insights into the kinds of mathematics that are desired and can be expected to facilitate breakthroughs in applications. SIAM's role as a platform to facilitate collaborations between applied mathematicians and scientists in other disciplines is unique and can be expected to become more important in the future.

Tamás Terlaky
Lehigh University
Professional Experience:
Alcoa Endowed Chair Professor, Lehigh University (2024-present)
Co-founder, OPTAMO LLC (2018-present)
President, OPTAMO LLC (2018-present)
Distinguished visiting professor, University of Pannonia (2018-2020)
Department chair, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University (2008-2017)
George N. and Soteria Kledaras Endowed Chair Professor, Lehigh University (2008-2023)
Adjunct professor, School of Computational Engineering and Science, McMaster University (2008-2013)
Founding director, School of Computational Engineering and Science, McMaster University (2004-2008)
Professor, Canada Research Chair in Optimization, McMaster University (1999-2008)
Assistant professor, Delft University of Technology (1989-1999)
Assistant professor, Loránd Eötvös University (1981-1995)
Part-time operations research engineer, Hungarian Oil and Gas Trust (1981-1989)
Operations research engineer, Hungarian Oil and Gas Trust (1979-1981)
D.Sc., Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2005)
Ph.D., Mathematics, Operations research, Eötvös University (1981)
M.Sc., Mathematics, Operations research, Eötvös University (1979)
SIAM Activities:
Co-organizer, Gene Golub SIAM Summer School on Quantum Computing Optimization (2023)
Co-chair, SIAM Conference on Optimization (2020-2021)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Annual Meeting (2021)
Chair, SIAM Activity Group on Optimization (2017-2019)
Chair, Selection committee, Lagrange Prize in Continuous Optimization (2011-2012)
Professional Memberships:
Fellow, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2018)
Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering (2021)
Fellow, International Federation of Operational Research Societies (2020)
Fellow, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (2016)
Fellow of The Fields Institute (2005)
Member, Operations Research Society of America (1992-1995)
Member, Mathematical Programming Society (1991-2011)
Member, American Mathematical Society (1989-1991)
Member, Operational Research Society (1987-1988)
Member, Bolyai Mathematical Society (1979-1997)
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Computational Science and Engineering
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Optimization
Member, Association for Computing Machinery
Member, Canadian Operations Research Society
Member, Hungarian Operations Research Society
Member, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Member, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers
Member, Mathematical Optimization Society
Member, New York Academy of Sciences
Research Interests:
Theoretical and algorithmic foundations of mathematical optimization
Computational methods of optimization, quantum computing optimization
Application of mathematical optimization, including nuclear reactor core reloading, oil refinery, VLSI design, radiation and proton therapy treatment, inmate assignment optimization
Quantum computing
Candidate Statement:
I have been a member of SIAM for 30 years, and the focus of my research is optimization: theory, algorithms, computational methodology. My broad tenured experience in academia spans four countries: the U.S., Canada, the Netherlands, and Hungary, and includes faculty positions in the departments of computational math, operations research, computer science, and industrial engineering. I have worked in and consulted industry for decades, working on a broad range of successful applied projects. Topics include nuclear reactor reload optimization, radiation therapy treatment optimization, VLSI design, and optimizing the operation of oil refineries and correctional systems.
SIAM is the prime international society for industrial and applied mathematics, with very strong emphasis on high performance computational methodologies. SIAM’s international leadership is evidenced by the high percentage of international participants at SIAM conferences; the numerous SIAM conferences that are held overseas; and the large number of SIAM sections outside the U.S. To further strengthen SIAM’s leadership position, it is crucial to increase international membership so that SIAM develops to a truly international society.
SIAM needs to strengthen its role in facilitating close collaborations among academia, national labs, and industry; strengthen collaboration between theoreticians, computational scientists, and practitioners; facilitate the creation of more opportunities for students (at all levels) to intern in national labs and industry research units; and to promote to achieve balanced diversity in all of its activities.
SIAM needs to facilitate the growth of potentially high impact, non-traditional areas that require inter/multi-disciplinary approaches and cross-cutting technologies, such as high-performance computing and scientific and computational methodologies of AI/ML. SIAM needs to be at the forefront of the emerging quantum computing revolution that will have profound impact on industrial and applied mathematics.
If elected as a member of the Board of Trustees, I will work with the SIAM community to further develop SIAM as the leading scientific society of industrial and applied mathematics, to develop programs to increase membership, and to position SIAM as the leader of emerging areas, such as AI/ML and quantum computing.
Council Members-at-Large

Inga Berre*
University of Bergen
Professional Experience:
Director, Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics, University of Bergen (2020-present)
Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen (2013-present)
Argyris Visiting Professorship, SimTech Cluster of Excellence, University of Stuttgart (2023)
Associate professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen (2006-2013)
Ph.D., Applied and computational mathematics, University of Bergen (2005)
M.S., Applied and computational mathematics, University of Bergen (2001)
SIAM Activities:
Chair, Selection committee, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences Career Prize (2024-2025)
Chair, Selection committee, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences Early Career Prize (2024-2025)
Member, SIAM Council (2022-2024)
Chair, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences (2021-2022)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Geosciences Webinar Series (2021-2022)
Member, Selection committee, Germund Dahlquist Prize (2020-2021)
Secretary, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences (2019-2020)
Reviewer, various SIAM journals
Minisymposium organizer, various SIAM conferences
Speaker, various SIAM conferences
Professional Memberships:
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member, Association of ERC Grantees
Member, Interpore
Member, Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences
Research Interests:
Mathematical modelling
Partial differential equations
Numerical methods developed with the aim to understand coupled subsurface processes
Candidate Statement:
SIAM unites diverse scientific communities within applied mathematics and computational science, while also supporting specialized activity groups. Considering also its broad international and intersectoral reach, SIAM provides immense value to the field. As I believe SIAM is the leading organization driving advancements in our field, I have with great enthusiasm accepted the nomination to the SIAM Council for a second term.
For many researchers, SIAM has been pivotal in shaping their careers, serving as both a publisher of key research papers and an organizer of essential conferences where professional networks have flourished and new collaborations have emerged. For numerous Ph.D. students, a SIAM conference marked their first encounter with the international research community within their area of study. I am eager to contribute to SIAM’s efforts to attract and provide value to student members. I also believe that organizations are stronger when they are diverse, and I am committed to continuing our work toward achieving a more diverse membership, ensuring that this diversity is reflected across all levels and areas of SIAM’s operations.
To me, the backbone of SIAM is its platform for research dissemination and communication, facilitated through high-quality journals and conferences. In an evolving landscape of scientific publishing and research dissemination, it is crucial that SIAM journals and conferences maintain the highest standards—standards upheld by our dedicated members who serve as editors, reviewers, and conference and minisymposium organizers. Ultimately, SIAM's success depends on how effectively we can support the contributions of our members. This will be my guiding principle if I am elected for a new term on the SIAM Council.

Henry Cohn
Microsoft Research
Professional Experience:
Senior principal researcher, Microsoft Research New England (2019-present)
Adjunct professor, Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2010-present)
Principal researcher, Microsoft Research New England (2008-2019)
Senior researcher, Microsoft Research New England (2008)
Senior researcher, Head of Cryptography Research Group, Microsoft Research (2007-2008)
Senior researcher, Theory Group, Microsoft Research (2007)
Affiliate associate professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Washington (2006-2013)
Researcher, Theory Group, Microsoft Research (2001-2007)
Affiliate assistant professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Washington (2001-2006)
Postdoctoral researcher, Theory Group, Microsoft Research (2000-2001)
Intern, Department of Fundamental Mathematics, Bell Laboratories (1999)
Ph.D., Mathematics, Harvard University (2000)
S.B., Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1995)
SIAM Activities:
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics (2024)
Associate editor, SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry (2016–2020)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry (2019)
Associate editor, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (2005–2019)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Annual Meeting (2018)
Co-chair, Organizing committee, SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics (2016)
Member, Industry Committee (2015–2017)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry (2013)
Professional Memberships:
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions
Fellow, American Mathematical Society (2015)
Member, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Member, Mathematical Association of America
Research Interests:
Discrete mathematics
Connections with computer science and physics
Candidate Statement:
I am grateful to be a candidate for election to the SIAM Council. Three issues facing SIAM are of particular interest to me:
1. Recent developments in AI are a striking application of mathematics. The relevance and importance of mathematics should be broadly recognized, as should the need to deploy this technology effectively and responsibly (for example, avoiding hidden discrimination via black-box models). How can SIAM help shape conversation on these topics?
2. How can we advocate for the role of professional societies in a changing world, in which fewer young people see their value? How can we ensure that SIAM’s conferences and other activities best meet the needs of the community?
3. SIAM has a long history of first-rate publications, but it is important that we not rest on our laurels. How can we help SIAM publications serve as large an audience as possible?
If elected, I will help look at these and other issues.

David F. Gleich
Purdue University
Professional Experience:
Professor, Computer science, Purdue University (2022-present)
Courtesy appointment, Mathematics Department, Purdue University (2017-present)
Jyoti and Aditya Mathur Associate Professor of Computer Science, Purdue University (2018-2022)
Assistant professor, Computer science, Purdue University (2011-2017)
John von Neumann Postdoctoral Fellow, Sandia National Laboratories (2010-2011)
Post doctoral fellow, University of British Columbia (2009-2010)
Ph.D., Computational and mathematical engineering, Stanford University (2009)
M.S., Computational and mathematical engineering, Stanford University (2006)
B.S., Joint computer science and mathematics, Harvey Mudd College (2004)
SIAM Activities:
Associate editor, Spotlights, SIAM Review (2021-present)
Associate editor, SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (2018-present)
Co-chair, SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science (2024)
Member, SIAM Ad-hoc Committee on Strategic Initiatives (2023-2024)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Conference on Computation Science (2023)
Program director, SIAM Activity Group on Data Science (2022-2023)
Member, SIAM Executive Director Hiring Committee (2020)
Co-chair, SIAM Workshop on Parameter Space Dimension Reduction (2017)
Co-chair, SIAM Annual Meeting (2016)
Co-chair, Workshop program, SIAM Conference on Data Mining (2016)
Member, SIAM Web Committee (2014-2018)
Co-chair, SIAM Workshop on Network Science (2014)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Annual Meeting (2014)
Editorial board member, SIAM Fundamentals of Algorithms book series (2012-2017)
Professional Memberships:
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Computational Science
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Data Science
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra
Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Member, Association for Computing Machinery
Research Interests:
Data and computing with a particular focus on networks and matrices
Network analysis
Numerical linear algebra
Tensor analysis
High-performance computing
Machine learning
Candidate Statement:
It is incredible to think that 2030 is just around the corner, and what I’m thinking about is what I want SIAM to look like in 2030 and beyond!
What should the role of a professional society be in 2030? What I write every year on my reimbursement request for the cost of my SIAM membership is that it is reimbursable because it offers discounts on conferences to members and networking opportunities. This currently ticks the right boxes. But would I pay for SIAM membership if it were not reimbursed? To be clear, the answer right now is yes, and my goal is to make sure the answer stays yes in 2030.
I have been attending SIAM-affiliated conferences ever since I was an undergraduate, where my first presentation was at the SIAM Southern California Section Conference in 2004. SIAM conferences are a unique place to learn the latest research in an area. I’ve co-chaired two major SIAM conferences, the SIAM Annual Meeting in 2016 and the SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science in 2024 – and worked to expand and evolve what a SIAM conference might look like through these efforts.
If you choose to elect me to the SIAM Council, know that I would advocate for ideas that evolve the organization while maintaining the essence of what makes SIAM wonderful.

Chen Greif
The University of British Columbia
Professional Experience:
Professor, Computer science, The University of British Columbia (2012-present)
Interim department head, Computer science, The University of British Columbia (2023)
Department head, Computer science, The University of British Columbia (2016-2020)
Associate department head, Computer science, The University of British Columbia (2013-2015)
Associate professor, Computer science, The University of British Columbia (2007-2012)
Assistant professor, Computer science, The University of British Columbia (2002-2007)
Senior software engineer, Parametric Technology Corporation (2000-2002)
Postdoctoral fellow, Stanford University (1998-2000)
Teaching and research assistant, Mathematics, The University of British Columbia (1994-1998)
Programmer, Teledata Communications (1991-1994)
Ph.D., Applied mathematics, The University of British Columbia (1998)
M.Sc., Applied mathematics, Tel Aviv University (1994)
B.Sc., Applied mathematics, Tel Aviv University (1991)
SIAM Activities:
Section editor, Numerical Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, (2022-present)
Member, SIAM Book Committee (2017-present)
Member, Editorial Board, SIAM Computational Science and Engineering book series (2015-present)
Member, Scientific Committee, SIAM Applied Linear Algebra Conference (2024)
Chair, SIAM Prize Canvassing Committee (2021-2023)
Section editor, Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (2020-2021)
Chair, Committee on Committees and Appointments (2018-2019)
Chair, Selection committee, I. E. Block Community Lecture (2018-2019)
Member, Executive Committee of the Council (2018-2019)
Member, Selection committee, SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service to the Profession (2018-2019)
Member, SIAM Cabinet (2018-2019)
Member, SIAM Council (2018-2019)
Member, SIAM Major Awards Committee (2018-2019)
SIAM Secretary (2018-2019)
Associate editor, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (2011-2019)
Chair, Gene Golub SIAM Summer School Committee (2014-2017)
Chair, Selection committee, James H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing (2017)
Member, SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra Officers Nominations Committee (2015)
Co-chair, SIAM International Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (2015)
Member, Program Committee, SIAM Annual Meeting (2014)
Member, Gene Golub SIAM Summer School Committee (2010-2013)
Program director, SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra (2010-2012)
Member, Program Committee, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (2009 and 2012)
Professional Memberships:
Fellow, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2022)
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member, American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Member, Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society (CAIMS)
Member, International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS)
Research Interests:
Scientific computing
Numerical linear algebra and matrix analysis
Iterative methods for sparse and large linear systems
Saddle-point systems
Numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equations
Candidate Statement:
SIAM is a strong professional society. Its journals and conferences are a source of pride for its members, and one of its primary goals has been and should continue to be to lead and enable high-quality research in computational and applied mathematics. At a time of transformative change in technology, there are plenty of challenges for a society like SIAM. Its strong network, activity groups, membership base, conferences, and journals make it well positioned for taking part in the action but doing so effectively requires being agile and responsive.
I have been fortunate to contribute to SIAM in several ways through my work as SIAM Secretary, Chair of a few SIAM committees, co-chair of a SIAM conference, and a member of several committees and editorial boards. As a SIAM book author and Section Editor of the largest section of SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, I take a particular interest in issues related to publishing high-quality research in scientific computing. Questions such as how to maintain the strength and outstanding quality of SIAM journals in the face of a rapidly changing landscape in the publishing domain in today’s world, with the emergence of machine learning and data science, will almost certainly be important issues for the Council to address in the coming years.
Doing mathematical research in computer science department has given me the opportunity to engage in questions related to how to conduct and disseminate interdisciplinary research across different scientific disciplines. The speed with which new computational paradigms are evolving makes this more challenging.
If elected to the Council, it will be my privilege and honor to use my personal and leadership experiences and engage in the above-mentioned issues and beyond and help contribute towards further strengthening SIAM.

Christine Harvey
The MITRE Corporation
Professional Experience:
Principal high performance and analytic computing architect, The MITRE Corporation (2021-present)
Lead high performance and analytic computing engineer, The MITRE Corporation (2016-2021)
Senior simulation and modeling engineer, The MITRE Corporation (2015-2016)
Modeling and simulation staff, The MITRE Corporation (2013-2015)
Ph.D., Computational sciences and informatics, George Mason University (2019)
M.Sc., Computational science, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (2013)
B.S., Computational science, Minor in mathematics, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (2011)
SIAM Activities:
Member, SIAM Industry Committee (2022-present)
Member, Broader Engagement Program Committee, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (2015-2021)
Professional Memberships:
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Chair, ACM Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing
Member, Association for Computing Machinery
Member, ACM Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing
Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society
Research Interests:
High performance computing
Modeling and simulation
Healthcare research
Candidate Statement:
I am honored and enthusiastic to accept the nomination for the SIAM Council! SIAM has been a part of my life since I first subscribed to the job board updates as an undergraduate student. As someone on the border of mathematics and computer science, the SIAM community has always closely aligned with my personal and professional interests.
My professional engagement with SIAM began when I joined the committee for the Broader Engagement (BE) program for the Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) Conference in 2015. The BE program aims to expand and encourage participation in conferences and events by intentionally welcoming attendees from a variety of underrepresented groups. I served this program in various leadership roles ranging from organizing the orientation program, to coordinating rehearsals for poster lightning talks, and coordinating the mentoring program. It has been incredible to witness the impact of programs like this across both BE participants and regular CSE attendees.
My SIAM engagement has continued through participation in the Industry Committee. With this organization, I have had the opportunity to learn more about the goals of SIAM and the unique perspective of industry in the community. A highlight of this engagement has been participating in career panels and having an opportunity to mentor students looking for career opportunities in applied math.
In addition to my professional volunteer engagement with SIAM, I am also heavily involved in the ACM and IEEE-CS communities.
I currently serve as Chair of ACM’s Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing and I have had multiple executive committee leadership roles on the SC Conference Committee. I believe this outside experience and insights into other organizations will bring a unique perspective and value to the SIAM Council.
If elected to the SIAM Council, I will work diligently to serve the broader SIAM community. I aim to balance my external experience with understanding the unique needs of SIAM. I am passionate about engaging the next generation of applied mathematicians in professional societies and evolving programs that make all SIAM event participants and members feel truly included. With the AI boom and our deepening reliance on applied mathematics, creating communities and networks of mathematicians across organizational and national boundaries is more important than ever to ensure the responsible and reliable worldwide impact of applied mathematics.

Evelyn Sander*
George Mason University
Professional Experience:
Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, George Mason University (2012-present)
Associate professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, George Mason University (2005-2012)
Assistant professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, George Mason University (2000-2005)
Research member, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (2018)
IBM Visiting Professor, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University (2014)
Long term visitor, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, University of Minnesota (2012)
Postdoctoral fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology (1996-1998)
Ph.D., University of Minnesota (1996)
B.A., Northwestern University (1990)
SIAM Activities:
Associate editor, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (2024-present)
Member, SIAM Committee on Strategic Initiatives (2023-present)
Member, SIAM Council (2022-present)
SIAM Council Representative to the Board (2023-2024)
Chair, Selection committee, J. D. Crawford Prize Selection Committee (2019)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Conference on Applications in Dynamical Systems (2019)
Editor-in-chief, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (2018-2023)
Contributor, SIAM USA Science and Engineering Festival Booth Materials (2018)
Conference organizer, SIAM Conference on Applications in Dynamical Systems (2017)
Program director, SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems (2016-2017)
Contributor, SIAM USA Science and Engineering Festival Booth Materials (2016)
Section chief editor, Research spotlights section, SIAM Review (2014-2017)
Member, Jürgen Moser Prize Development Committee, (2012-2015)
Associate editor, Research spotlights section, SIAM Review (2012-2014)
Associate editor, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (2010-2017)
Member, Organizing committee member, Spanish Math Societies Conference (2010)
Magazine editor-in-chief, DS Web (2008-2010)
Secretary/Treasurer, SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems (2008-2010)
Chief editor, Tutorials section, DS Web (2004-2010)
Professional Memberships:
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member, American Mathematical Society
Member, Association for Women in Mathematics
Research Interests:
Dynamical systems, differential equations, mathematical visualization
Computation and rigorous validation of bifurcations in partial differential equations
Numerical methods for the study of quasi-periodic and chaotic systems
Creating tangible versions of abstract mathematical structures via 3D printing
Candidate Statement:
I have enjoyed being a member of the SIAM Council this term and would be glad to further shape future directions of SIAM. SIAM leads the way in excellence of journals, books, and conferences for the applied mathematics and associated communities. I am a long-time enthusiastic member of the SIAM community.
Within mathematics, SIAM stands out for its attention to diversity and inclusion of members of groups who are traditionally underrepresented in mathematics, including diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, and geography. The new SIAM Activity Group on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion is a great step in working on broadening the participation in SIAM, in addition to several new initiatives for supporting new researchers and students. However, there is plenty of work left to do. The Council must continue to focus on changes that encourage inclusion. At the senior level, this includes paying careful attention to diversity in the makeup of organizing committees, plenary speakers, prize committees, editors, referees, and making sure there is a diverse group of nominations for society prizes. At the junior level, this includes targeted outreach, increasing diverse student participation in SIAM student chapters, conferences, and summer schools, making sure that there are programs in place to ensure that everyone is welcome when they do participate.
As another focus, the Council needs to work on making SIAM more attractive to applied mathematicians in industry positions. An ever-increasing number of applied math Ph.D.s are taking jobs in industry, and yet SIAM members come primarily from academia. The current industry members bring exciting research and perspectives to light. By increasing industry participation, it will give a great opportunity to learn further exciting industrial breakthroughs and better represent the workforce of applied mathematicians.

Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb*
University of Cambridge
Professional Experience:
Professor, Applied mathematics, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP), University of Cambridge (2018-present)
Reader, Applied and Computational Analysis, DAMTP, University of Cambridge (2015-present)
Fellow, Jesus College (2015-2018)
Established Career Fellowship, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (2021)
Wolfson Fellowship, Royal Society (2020)
Alan Turing Institute Fellow, Alan Turing Institute (2016-2021)
Lecturer, Applied and Computational Analysis, DAMTP, University of Cambridge (2010-2015)
Postdoctoral research fellow, Institute of Numerical and Applied Mathematics, Georg-August Universität Göttingen (2009-2010)
Honorary doctorate, University of Klagenfurt (2022)
Doctor of Philosophy, DAMTP, University of Cambridge (2009)
Diploma in mathematics with distinction, University of Salzburg (2004)
SIAM Activities:
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Annual Meeting (2025)
Editor-in-Chief, SIAM Review (2023-present)
Secretary and founding officer, SIAM Activity Group on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (2023-present)
Associate editor, SIAM Journal on Imaging Science (2019-present)
Member, SIAM Diversity Advisory Committee (2021-2023)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science (2022)
Member, Selection committee, SIAM Activity Group on Imaging Science Early Career Prize (2021)
Chair, SIAM Activity Group on Imagine Science (2020-2021)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science (2020)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (2018)
Member, Selection committee, SIAM Activity Group on Imaging Science Early Career Prize (2018)
Professional Memberships:
Fellow, Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2024)
Member, Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Fellow, Institute of Mathematics & its Applications (IMA)
Member, European Mathematical Society (EMS)
Member, London Mathematical Society
Member, Committee of Women in Mathematics, International Mathematical Union (IMU) (2023-present)
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) (2022-present)
Chair, Committee for Applications and Interdisciplinary Relations (CAIR), EMS, (2021-present)
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies (FRIAS) (2020-present)
Member, Scientific Committee, Isaac Newton Institute (2019-present)
Member, CAIR, EMS (2018-present)
Member, IMA Leslie Fox Prize Committee (2017-2023)
Election to membership, The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters (2021)
Convenor, European Women in Mathematics (EWM) Association (2016-2020)
Research Interests:
Variational methods, partial differential equations, and machine learning for image analysis
Image processing and inverse imaging problems
Mathematical foundations of machine learning
Biomedical imaging topics
Image sensing
Digital art restoration
Candidate Statement:
I am passionate about mathematics and its applications. I love mathematical imaging in all its aspects and flavors as it spans a variety of mathematical topics and application areas. Having a broad research portfolio within applied mathematics, I believe I can therefore appreciate diverse approaches to one and the same problem solved by PDEs, applied harmonic analysis, machine learning, etc. Indeed, I see the power of SIAM in making it possible to bring these different mathematical topics together and provide a platform for fruitful exchange within our discipline as well as with users and promoters of the work that we do. I strongly believe in the development of mathematics in close collaboration with application experts and the promotion of mathematics through its important applications, and I am therefore fond of the SIAM philosophy of communication with researchers in other disciplines and interdisciplinary research.
I would be very happy to support our community by serving as a member of the SIAM Council for the next term. I will aim to continue the excellent work done by the current leadership, with my heart in showcasing the highlights of our research, encouraging early career researchers in mathematics, improving diversity in mathematics, and fostering dialogue and exchange within our mathematical community.

Kim-Chuan Toh
National University of Singapore
Professional Experience:
Leo Tan Professor in Science, National University of Singapore (2019-present)
Professor, Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore (2008-present)
Assistant professor/Associate professor, National University of Singapore (1996-2008)
Ph.D., Applied mathematics, Cornell University (1996)
B.S., Honors, Mathematics, National University of Singapore (1990)
SIAM Activities:
Member, SIAM Journal Committee (2019-present)
Member, Editorial board, SIAM Journal on Optimization (2007-present)
Plenary speaker, SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science (2024)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Conference on Optimization (2023)
Member, SIAM Fellows Selection Committee (2019-2021)
Secretary, SIAM Activity Group on Optimization (2014-2016)
Member, Organizing committee, SIAM Conference on Optimization (2011)
Topical speaker, SIAM Annual Meeting (2010)
Professional Memberships:
Fellow, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2018)
Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Member, Mathematical Optimization Society
Research Interests:
Convex programming
Particularly large-scale matrix optimization problems such as semidefinite programming
Sparse optimization arising from machine learning and statistics
Candidate Statement:
I have been a SIAM member for more than 28 years, starting as a student member during my Ph.D. study at Cornell University. Throughout my career, SIAM has always felt like my professional home. I have greatly benefited from SIAM’s extensive range of high-quality conferences and workshops, its influential journals and books, and the numerous networking opportunities and international collaborations it organizes. These have all significantly advanced my work in applied mathematics.
SIAM is a leading organization in industrial and applied mathematics, and I am eager to contribute to maintaining its global prominence. A key responsibility as a council member is to help address new challenges and to identify emerging opportunities within the field.
I believe there is significant potential for SIAM to expand its international activities, particularly in regions outside of North America and Europe. Enhancing efforts to attract members from other parts of the world and increasing SIAM’s global presence could further strengthen the organization. I hope to contribute to this goal from an Asian perspective. It is an honor to be nominated for the Council election. If elected, I am committed to collaborating with fellow SIAM members to extend and sustain the organization’s influence in industrial and applied mathematics, as well as in broader fields in science, engineering, data science and machine learning.
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