In This Issue
Imaging Science Special Issue

The theory of optimal transport can solve problems in the unsupervised generation of text, images, and videos.

Plug-and-play is a framework that incorporates modern black-box operators into regularized inversion problems.

Stanley C. Eisenstat, an internationally renowned computational mathematician, passed away on December 17, 2020.

Inverse problems help to explain why deep learning implementations sometimes become unstable.

Effectively coping with different imaging applications requires tools from diverse fields of mathematics.

Researchers are leveraging denoising algorithms to solve other, far more challenging inverse problems.

The 2020 SIAM Conference on Imaging Science offered snapshots of deep learning’s impact across imaging domains.

James Case reviews "The Man Who Solved the Market" by Gregory Zuckerman, which profiles Jim Simons.

"Symmetry in Chaos" illustrates the interactions between classical symmetry and chaotic dynamical systems.

Anuj Mubayi discusses the importance of embracing interdisciplinary practical thinking during a career change.

Mark Levi introduces a scenario in which a planet's sun sets in the west as normal, then rises in the west once more.
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