In This Issue

Researchers developed nonparametric techniques that use algebraic geometry and topology to study biological systems.

On a geophysical scale, the dual burdens of storage and computational cost for Kalman filtering are prohibitive.

Andreas Griewank, whose contributions shaped the field of optimization, passed away on September 16, 2021.

An interactive session at AN21 aimed to enhance the community's understanding of racial equity in applied mathematics.

new program introduced high school students to mathematical modeling and prepared them for modeling contests.

The SciFest All Access event offered a virtual STEM exposition for K-12 students, educators, and their families.

The Radon Transform and Medical Imaging surveys the concepts and techniques that drive computed tomography.

Ernest Davis reviews Julian Havil's Curves for the Mathematically Curious, an anthology of ten curves.

Richard Moore reflects on lessons learned from virtual conferences in 2021 and plans for the hybrid future.

The SIAM SEAS conference took place in September 2021 with a hybrid modality and attracted over 200 participants.

An ellipsoid of revolution that is made out of solid glass and has certain geometrical properties can focus light at a point.
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