Mathematics in Industry
SIAM Report on Mathematics in Industry gathered data from hundreds of doctoral and masters graduates, as well as interviews with employers in over 25 companies, to gather information on skills that are valued by companies as well as what type of training is desirable for a successful career in industry.
Since the first Mathematics in Industry report was published in 1998, there have been many changes in the types and scale of challenges that industry and government are facing. For example, the deciphering of the human genome and the availability of molecular dynamics simulations are beginning to transform the pharmaceutical industry. These changes create new opportunities for graduates with backgrounds in the mathematical and computational sciences.
The 2012 report updates the 1998 version to take into account the changes in the types of industries that are hiring mathematical and computational scientists, the requirements for their jobs, the contributions they make as mathematical or computational scientists, and their work environment. It also discusses opportunities and challenges for the mathematical and computational sciences and makes suggestions and recommendations for matching higher education curriculum to the needs of employers.
SIAM Report on Mathematics in Industry 2012 brings together useful information not available elsewhere. Together with the SIAM Careers in Mathematical Sciences brochure, it serves as a helpful reference for just about any student or professional using mathematics.
Funding for these reports was provided by a grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation. The 1998 report also had funding from the National Security Agency.
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