In This Issue

An emergent research front allows mathematical and statistical ideas to enable a rapid expansion of COVID-19 testing.

Computed tomography (CT) chest scans have proven invaluable for the diagnosis and prognostication of COVID-19 patients.

Bernard J. Matkowsky passed away on June 11, 2020. He left a lasting legacy within the applied math community.

A general modeling approach can examine population recovery after a natural or anthropogenic disturbance.

The rapid solution of combinatorial optimization problems benefits numerous applications.

William Yslas Vélez discusses the implicit social contract between the minority community and mathematical departments.

Applications of computational topology enjoy considerable contemporary prominence and range from manifolds for airfoils to molecules for pharmaceut...

swMATH employs a publication-based approach and provides an overview of a broad range of mathematical software.

Mike Dairyko, a data scientist for the Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club, details his education and career trajectory.

Mark Levi discusses the mathematics behind his attempt to balance a knife on the edge of a pot and the resulting effect.

Read an excerpt from "Phylogeny: Discrete and Random Processes in Evolution" by Mike Steel.

Lora Billings reviews David Feldman's "Chaos and Dynamical Systems," which introduces the field.
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